I will never be a "victim"

I personally, as we all do have my own views and opinions. I also have many years in my past where I felt like life was unfair, too hard, and asked myself "Not again, why me?" I took many years to change that learned behaviour and attitude. I give myself permission to feel sorry for myself, have a cry, and get angry, whenever I need to, but then let it go quickly. Having just had an experience with Chemotherapy that showed me there is no time schedule, things can go wrong, I quickly came disheartened. But through keeping sensible, and talking to the right people, not emotional and the ol' Bel, it has all shifted very quickly to being ok. I recall the times I made mistakes and punished myself, thought I wasnt good enough, or compared myself to my great brother, and knew that was some-one long gone. I am a better person today, mentally prepared to be more mature, and not so over whelmed when something goes wrong. Sure, I will have my moments, but I will just let things happen, go with the flow and be happy with the only life I will ever get. It works far better than fighter it with the ol "poor me" I used to be. May I continue to be so wise...... well, for the rest of the day..... (smile) Just my thoughts!
Thanks Bel for your honesty and sharing your thoughts and feelings, it shows you as being a strong person. My god how far have you come my luvly. Sounds like you have been in a pretty dark place throughout your life. I think you will find there are plently of pink sisters who can relate to those times in their life, either recently or previously.
It is so wonderful that you have had the strength and have grown from all of your past. Well done precious. It is hard to stay strong but keep on doing what you can.
Lots of Love, Mich xoxo