Election Year - Lobyying Politicians

Hello everyone,
Back on deck from an amazing holiday in India and Dubai and all I can say is wow!
To bring you all up to date, I have met with the Greens late last year and have now had response from Shadow Health Minister Mr Peter Dutton. I am awaiting a date to meet with one of Mr Dutton's Senior Advisors here in Sydney.
Unfortunately, I did not receive a response from my Federal sitting member Mr John Murphy and have only just received a response from Department of Health and Community Services on behalf of the Hon Tanya Plibersek. What I received was a generic ministerial response. No mention of a meeting, not even with an adivsor. This is terribly disappointing, but screams to me that people with life threatening illnesses just aren't an election issue!
I have started drafting a document to provide to the Greens and Liberal candidates that is seeking that for all 'young and old' Australians diagnosed with a life threatening illness are provided with (if not already) a Health Care Card. This will allow people to access medications, pathologies and other ongoing medical tests for the duration of their illness at a much reduced rate.
I hope to have a draft completed by end of next week, which I will post onto my Blogg for comments.
Hope you all had a pleasant Christmas and that 2013 be a year of change for the better.
Leonie Havnen
Hi Adean
Thanks for your encouraging and kind words. Hope to post a draft of the policy by next week, would welcome your comments.