Magic Wand Required

Those people who didnt have friends and family around them can you tell me your story of how you coped with the house, all the jobs, your husband, financial advice for free?
Was there any hands on help, or financial advice?
I have a friend who works for Centrelink, so that area will be covered.
Its always about the money though!
I would contact the cancer council - they have a free service for financial services.
You could also contact your local council and see if you are elegable for house cleaning services.
also speak to your social worker at your treatment hospital they maybe able to think of a few things to help you cope better.
Im always here to lend a helpful ear to. I hope you get some much needed help.
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The lady I spoke to there was great and let me have my few tears of frustration. It was a weak moment when I was home alone and allowed myself to worry about the small stuff. A no no! You generally need to be on a pension or in a registered with Centrelink, and she admitted there is a gap in the system for the needs of regular people who just need a small leg up to start with.
The responses on here are brilliant.
It is hard to express your worries though, but this website has helped me more than anything so far.
thank you sillysam
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Mich, I do have a great sense of humour and what I love about this website is the way it points out to me that there is someone else out there who had a lot more to deal with. It gives me instant strength to know you get through no matter what the hurdle.
There wasnt a lot on offer for the mounting housework, or little things that need to be done just yet.
My husband has 2 days off with me now so he can worry about all that.
I rang my parents and they are on stand by to fly here to do it all anyway, we just wanted to hold them off as long as we could, for my husbands sake. He will just have to suck it up and appreciate what they can do for us rather than worrying about extra people invading our home!
We only have one bathroom, one toilet! Its a small house!
LOL Bel xxx
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Hey Bel
Good on you for keeping that sense of humour and knowing you will have to be tough. This time is about you and nurturning yourself to keep you well. Unfortunately the housework will always be there but I am sure your hubby and folks will be a huge help to you. If there are things that you need or want sometimes you will have to ask cause sometimes poeple just don't know what is required (especially hubbys, bless their lil cotton socks).
It will be a bit cosy for you and hubby with your folks there but what a fabulous way for you to bond again with your folks. You are lucky to still have them around to help.
I am sure the support groups in the area (if any) will be of great assistance to you. Daina may be able to put you in contact with one of the ladies in Tassie. Daina was a great help to me by knowing she was there for info or if she doesn't know she will find out for you.
Wishing you the very best and hope it all comes together for you. The unknown is the scary bit I found. Good luck kiddo and keep laughing :-)
LOL, Mich xoxo
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Well after carrying my boobs around for a week here at home, the sun is unusually out here in Tasmania, and my husband and I are off for drive to the Doctor for the first lot of results. I have my fingers crossed of course and trying not to think to much about it. I was surprise how well I slept. I have been using Blackmores Sleep Vitamins, which I find help to relax.
I was so relieved when my Dad said he was booking the tickets to come. I hated being here on my own once my husband went to work and looking at the messy house. He is great, but Ive noticed he has only done the food and dishes for a week, and 1 load of washing. The grocery shopping is time consuming because we are 30 mins from the Shops, and he is struggling with trying to do the work of 2 people. He was reluctant to have them here because of the space, but he also finds he enjoys his own home and I understand he is not keen to share. But now he is coming to the realisation we dont have a choice now.
I feel better and more in control of my environment now, so I dont have to worry about the outside stuff.
I will give the breast care nurse a ring this morning. I need to know what happens about a bra and how Im not looking forward to going into the city without one on for the appointment!
I washed my hair myself and felt a lot better. I have longer hair, so didnt chop it off incase its suitable for a wig. Will check that out first.
After my walk yesterday out here in the national park of Swan Bay, tears came out of nowhere, and gushed with big sobs, but it left me as quickly as it came. It was relief I think that my parents are coming. Just when they thought Id stopped annoying them at 73 years of age.
Funny thing is, my in-laws are full time carers for Seans sister who became brain injured 5 years ago. So we really do have parallel lives our families!
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Hi Bel, I get you about "carrying your boobs around". I am also big; G cup. I fount it easier to shower if my hubby held them for me. What a laugh, we did that for about 3or 4 days, he loved it!
I found like you would, that regular shops just don't stick our sizes. The hospital bra was too small. I found XL arh bras great till I could wear a proper bra. I wore 2 or 3 at a time to have enough support. I wore them to bed. I was worried about the scar stretching.
Both my hubby and I found that being alone was the worst time. Thats when your thoughts travel to all the bad places. So it's good for you that your parents will be there when your hubby is out. I have a small house too, but can't help you with that one.
I'm going to try your sleeping tablets, at first I was sleeping really well, but not now. But reluctant to take more drugs.
Good luck with your results.
Cheers Louie0