Theatre presence

I have been asked to have a table showing BCNA information at the stage show Menopause the Musical this Thursday night. Guests have been asked to wear pink that night and I hope to inform and also maybe receive donations and sell some merchandise.
It is a terrific gesture of the production company! The show has been in Tassie before and received rave reviews and this time in Launceston they are on for 3 nights but only one night is highlighted for a cause- OURS!
Well done Mandy!!!!
It's so wonderful that the "Pink Lady" opens so many doors for us to get our message out, and that she touches so many hearts.
I've been "street walking" in our main streets (all two of them) to get business houses to go pink and have had so much support. Quite a few have had their own suggestions and ideas how to expand things, so the little plans I had have expanded to great plans.
Maybe you'll be allowed on stage to say a few words ..... I'd like to see that!!!!
Cheers ... Shirl xxx
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Ah yes Shirl, I WON"T be on the stage, I can assure you!! Meg will be there too, we worked on flyers for the Young Womens' Group today so they can be handed out.
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You could always put Meg on the stage LoL I'm sure it will be a great night!!! Well done
Cheers ... Shirl
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Good on you girls. I can't wait until my frient Terri is trained as a CL in a couple of weeks. We are going to have lots of fun together. Keep posting your stints so we can steal some ideas. He He!!! xLeonie
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Well done girls on your stint into the world of theatre.
Isn't it amazing how this Pink Lady of ours brings people together - and sometimes from the most unlikley places too.
My little vague idea of turning Wentworth pink is now a mega production, with a cast as bit as Ben Hur!!! Everyone is getting involved and there are so many ideas spinning around in my brain that my head hurts ( only joking)
Looks like our local Bendigo Bank is coming on board and i was invited to write to our local IGA (same man has 12 shops) to see if BCNA can have a Community Chest day. CWA ladies are helping with decorations and one of the husbands is going to make me a large pink lady to put on the front of the Paddle Steamer RUBY. The local baker overheard me telling one of his staff about our Girls-Night-In and he offered to supply finger food.
The girls from the local paper were out yesterday for story and photos. They were asking me lots of questions (not for the story) but personal ones about discovery, loss of breast etc etc. We were on our own down by the river so I lifted my shirt and showed them the scar (yes I know, I'm just an exhibitionist !!). It was emotional for one of them - it appears someone close to her discovered lumps but it was through her system and she lost the battle.
If we can all do a little bit then the word will spread.
Cheers .... Shirl