Oh my!

Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
edited October 2010 in Community news and events

Look at that! Seems like we have a new website. :)

Hugest congratulations and thanks to everyone who's helped out over the last several months, you're all stars!

Of course, this is just the beginning, there's a lot of work still to do -- but for a first step, it's looking good. Yay!

Now -- time for Field of Women LIVE!

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  • Lyn11
    Lyn11 Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2015

    Hi Di. I have been trying to get a group started up here in Brisbane. I met up with Brissie Lyn  but haven't found anyone else yet. I tried to get a group thing going on this site but I can't seem to find it again when I look it up. I am meeting up with BrissieLyn again on Wednesday and we would both like to meet others. I was told that you may be able to help with the setting up.  : )

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hey Lyn!  The case of the missing group, huh? :)  Happy to help -- can you remember what name you gave your group?

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Lyn,  I can see that you've made a blog post about starting up a group. but I can't find an actual 'group' with that name. Do you remember if you went to the 'create a group' form, and did that (the form is here, if you want to check what it looks like: http://bcna.org.au/node/add/group)?

    The way to create a new group is to complete that form (and click save at the end) -- you need to do that if you want your group to show up in the 'Groups' list.  Have a look and see if you can do it yourself (it's pretty easy), but by all means shout if you get stuck. :)

New to the online network?

It looks like you’re new here. BCNA’s online network is a supportive and safe community for people affected by breast cancer. Sign in or register to get started.