Day 8 Events

We started today with a surprise visitor for Shane and it was Garry Lyon. Garry had driven to Stawell during the night and surprised Shane when he got up. It was great seeing them together on the road running and the banter back and forth was very funny.
Ararat gave us a huge welcome with thousands turning out to greet Shane and Garry. Well done Julie Fitzpatrick for organising everything. We even had 10 Auskick volunteers collect donations.
Also had Campbell Brown and Steve Monogetti join Shane for parts of the run. The best part of the day was seeing Shane's family arrive to surprise him also. Those gorgeous boys were so excited to see him - and he them.
Well after a big, big day and a 5.30am start tomorrow its definitly time for bed!
Looking forward to going through Beaufort in the morning and seeing lots of pink ladies.
Hi Jane
I am loving your blogs and the video diaries on the footy show website. I saw the bogged Navara, didn't realise it was you driving ! You are all doing a great job.
Shane is amazing, I haven't been for a run in months but he inspired me to get going yesterday.
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Hi Jane
I am loving your blogs and the video diaries on the footy show website. I saw the bogged Navara, didn't realise it was you driving ! You are all doing a great job.
Shane is amazing, I haven't been for a run in months but he inspired me to get going yesterday.
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Hi Jane
You and all the team continue to do fantastic work for BCNA. It was fantastic to join you in Nhill and see the overwhelming support for Crawf and BCNA. Awesome! I was so inspired when I got home that I posted my first BCNA blog over the weekend. I'd like to think that the "Lucky Angel" is helping Crawf to keep going. RUN CRAWF RUN!!!
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Hi Jane
You and all the team continue to do fantastic work for BCNA. It was fantastic to join you in Nhill and see the overwhelming support for Crawf and BCNA. Awesome! I was so inspired when I got home that I posted my first BCNA blog over the weekend. I'd like to think that the "Lucky Angel" is helping Crawf to keep going. RUN CRAWF RUN!!!
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Hi Kym
I do think that Lucky Angel is helping Crawf keep going as he is so positive and committed. His mental strength is so strong and his attitude is brilliant.
I heard your interview on Monday on the local radio and it was great. Thanks so much doing such a wonderful job in Nhill - not only as guest speaker but also decorating the centre and helping with all the other little things.
I got home yesterday early afternoon and was very excited to see the family. Getting ready for a big day tomorrow.