New breast cancer research

New research from Cancer Research UK could revolutionise the way women with breast cancer are diagnosed and treated in the future, and lead to the development of new targeted treatments.
For more information on the reserach is available in the BCNA News.
The research made front page news in today's Adelaide Advertiser with BCNA member Sam DiCicco (above left) interviewed and photographed, alongside her sister Rebecca. Great work Sam!
Read the Adelaide Advertiser story here.
Well done Sam and sister. Looking fabulous as always Sam. XLeonie
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I always think if you can survive long enough to see new breakthroughs for future generations it is a wonderful feeling.
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Sounds good, but when are we - those that have suffered going to see this actually be used to heal. To help those living with and diagnosed with cancer be truely healed. Instead of the toxic chemicals that have to be endured.
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Wow, isnt it true that if you can just live long enough there will be a cure for everything. I am so hopeful that breast cancer can be eradicated with a vaccine in the future. My mum had breast cancer in her old age. whilst it didnt actually kill her by the time she died after a mastectomy, strokes, bowel cancer and bone cancer it is easy to see that the breast cancer started off a chain of events that ultimately lead to her demise. She has been gone 1 year today and had such a zest for life and really wanted to live. i am still heart broken, but so glad that she didnt live those extra 6 months to see me struck down with breast cancer as well. I am 55. 2 operations, 3 cycles of fec and starting next cycle of taxotare this week. I never knew I would miss my mum so much. She died on mothers day which is now a day of mourning for me. Sorry, I am just a bit over feeling like shite and just want my life back.
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Thanks Leonie, but I must point out that they caught us out (literally) as I'd left home that morning with NO MAKE UP ON and had no intentions of making the Front Page of the paper the next day! Haha.
Oh well, all for the cause and it was a GREAT story!
Sam x
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Hey Lee!
Yep, I'm definitely going to the Conference, I think having such a platform for "Consumers" (hate that term) and Health Professionals to hear each other out is a LONG TIME OVERDUE!Its time they hear from the women that they "see" everyday but more often than not don't "hear"!
Are you going too? And Nicki? I think Tanya's going as well.
How long til you get your results? What are you expecting?
Sam x
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Guys, go join the Conference online group as we'll be using that to keep you up-to-date in the lead up to the Conference.
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We lost our mum nearly two years ago. I really miss her too. She had dementia for a long time before she passed and the last 18 months of her life was awful. But gosh I do miss her; You know what though when I really miss her I can feel her say "Don't miss me Lee I am not far away". I know she is close as I "feel" her often. Will think of you on Mother's Day - try and remember all the "good stuff" that you did with your mum. XLeonie
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Hi Leonie. Thinking of you especially today. Xxx0