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melsev's avatar
5 months ago

Any tips to prepare for surgery and returning home

Hi there,
I will be having surgery in a week - lumpectomy and breast reduction in the other breast. I am trying to prepare what I can for not only the surgery but my return home. 
I have 2 primary age kids who are full of beans and 2 big dogs who love to be lap dogs. I am thinking maybe I need to create a quiet space in my bedroom and get an arm chair? 
Any other tips would be very much appreciated. 
  • Hi melsev, I think your idea for your bedroom sounds like a great idea. Can your dogs possibly be looked after by friends or family for a couple of weeks? I was super careful with my cat & my mini foxie, as I had drains in after my surgeries. I think if you can explain to your kids in an age-appropriate way, they will hopefully help or be more gentle with you. 
    My daughters are 13 & 11, they have been pretty good, though I have had to remind them a few times to help out with jobs around the house. 
    I found a body pillow & the bed to myself helped me to get comfortable, though I only had surgeries on one side. I think a recliner in your room would be a good idea, as if you aren’t comfortable in bed, at least you can just slip into the chair. 
    It’s been a few months since my surgeries & my chemo brain is making me forgetful, but I’ll rack my brain & let you know if I think of anything else.
    Take care, thinking of you x
  • @melsev .. I agree with  @ruralmum2 - see if you can get someone else to look after your furkids for a couple of weeks .... you don't want them jumping up on you (even when walking around) as they may knock you over.

    I love your idea of the quiet space in your bedroom.  Do you have anyone else in the house who will be able to look after the kids for the first few days (at least) to give you a bit more 'space' as well?   You won't be able to pick up your dogs or kids for a good while ... and it is the 'subconscious' things that may well lead to a mistake (ie picking up the dogs or letting the kids climb up onto your lap.)   Maybe the kids could help putting up some Xmas decorations with your buddy?

    The support pillows will be your best friend!  It is weird how the arms 'feel' after the surgery - and can be difficult to get into a comfy position, specially for sleeping!  And you will NEED your sleep!

    Also, see if your buddies can run the kids to school/sport/park etc, mow the lawn, walk the dogs ... do the shopping, do & hang out the washing, vacuuming ... it is amazing the number of things that need 'doing' that we just take for granted, until you're not able to physically do it yourself!  

    In the next week, see if you can cook up lots of meals & freeze them for 'easy' meals after you get home xx

    I was lucky & went to my brother's place in Sydney after my surgery (I live up the coast) & was looked after by him & his wife - but I wasn't badly affected, as my surgery was a lumpectomy around the nipple, so not 'major' surgery.  I stayed with them for a week until I saw the surgeon, then went home.

    Just make haste slowly (and definitely DON'T do too much!) until after you see your surgeon (usually the next week - for both pathology results & checking that everything is going OK.)  

    take care & all the best for next week xx
  • Hi @melsev

    Good tips there from @arpie and @ruralmum2.

    I had a double mastectomy, with both drains removed before hospital discharge. 

    I used a camping recliner chair to sleep in for the first week home, allowing me to stay comfortably on my back and not disturb/be disturbed by my husband.  Also had a full body pillow.

    I also bought a surgical drain pouch/belt from Temu for $9 which could be used in the shower and carries two drains.  I took this into hospital with me.  My breast cancer nurse did visit after surgery and offer a drain pouch, so you may not need your own.

    I moved my favourite coffee cups, books etc from high cupboards to low places so I didn't have to reach up.  I also used a metal rack to hang small loads of washing at a low level.

    All the best xx