And just like that

I am a triple negative breast cancer survivor and had a complete response to treatment. My hair is growing back and I have returned to approaching my one year anniversary of diagnosis and am about to have my first mamagram since treatment and I'm quite anxious 
 How do I get through this ? Any ideas will help.


  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,067
    Take a good strong painkiller before the mammogram to minimise discomfort. 

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,444
    Deep breaths, panadol, meditation, take a friend and any other relaxation or mindfulness techniques you can do. Best wishes 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
     @riss81 - well done on your recovery and returning to work - You sound like you've 'got this'  xx.  However, Scanxiety is very real and we all feel it at one time or another xx  ....   

    Try not to get ahead of yourself with the 'what ifs' ... as, all going well, they won't happen & it is putting yourself under pressure that you just don't need right now xx.

    The 'Mindfulness technique' that @Cath62 mentioned is just keeping control of stuff going on NOW, not allowing the brain to wander off & ponder the 'what ifs' ...

    Mayo has some good tips here:

    I just try to keep as busy as I can, leading up to it, doing things I love doing ... listen to music that you love ..... and take a buddy with you, so that you have company and support - and maybe go out for a nice coffee & cake afterwards as a reward for getting thru it ok xx

    take care & all the best for your Mammogram xx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    It's quite natural - you have dealt with everything sensibly and well, and suddenly your mind and your emotions are having a flash back! Deep breaths, time outdoors, and allow yourself the space to know that this is an understandable reaction to an unpleasant anniversary. It will pass. When you get the all clear, you will be back on track. Scanxiety can last a while - but it does reduce very considerably in time. Best wishes.