DCIS - upcoming surgery

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
Moderator moved @melzzs comment to new discussion thread:
melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭
Hi I am new to this site DCIS having a mastectomy on left breast 


  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
    edited August 29

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    Hi Melzzs I’m a newby also, but the more I explore the more I learn and the connection of others who really do understand the overwhelming feelings. Do you have a date for your operation? The waiting was hard but I look back and am great full that I had time to process the roller coaster of emotions. 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
    edited August 29

    melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭
    Hi thanks for contacting me, how are you going? ,,no date not as yet, I was at the hospital Friday for the MRI results but I worry having the mastectomy (left breast) plus reconstruction might be to long 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    Hi it’s 6.30am and I’m awake, sleeping is hard at the moment. My story started at Breastscreen, recall to hosp, diagnosed a wk later, to my dr, then breast surgeon, then mri, then reconstruction surgeon, then op 2 wks ago. Left breast, no chance of lumpectomy, so mastectomy and latimuss dorsi from my left side back. I’m strapped up and helpless, so in the healing phase, it will be a long one. Hope your coping ok.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭
    Hi,your story sounds very much like mine  ,I am frightened cannot sleep my happy self is now a depressed walking zombie waking at odd hours,,,
    I hope you  feel better very soon,& your pain eases ❤
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    hi again.i did a lot of preparing at home to make the recovery as best as possible. All these little things do help to make the journey barable. Let me know if you need the hints. Hope all goes well, it is overwhelming, the unknown is scary, I just cry when I want too, at least I’m in control of that. 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭
    Hi,hope your feeling better less pain?Yes,please hints,would be good I went to kmart today & bought 2 padded bras that zip at the front I have a appointment next Wednesday with plastic surgeon 😬
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    This wk an oncologist visit was full of good news, and I really felt comfortable with her. Yes I can do this. Then the recon surgeon, hmm took all the dressing off my back, that was bliss, but front not so good and will be going back to another op. Hmm didn’t need that surprise. Tip 1. I got a special breast pillow from Temu, so cheap and it sits across and under each arm, luv it, protects your chest from seatbelts. 2. Kmart U pillows x 2 covers so cheap, protects my back and lifts arm to rest. My best friends. 3.Wedge pillow from Clark rubber, cannot sleep on my back without it. I have bunch of others. Good luck with the surgeon, do your research, it will help you to understand the choices.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭

    Are you OK?,did they find something else,hope you are doing OK,,, I have appointment with pre opp surgeons via phone not face to face .🤔
    I see plastic surgeon next Wednesday that one is face to face
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    yes im ok, it’s a complication with the recon, was unset naturally, but has to be fixed, just not sure when. Lots of variables with recon. I’m not sure yet that I chose the right one.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    melzzs Melbourne Member Posts: 13 ✭
    Hi how are you doing? I had appointment today looks like I will get an implant still has its risks 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095

    Stillstanding Melbourne Member Posts: 7 ✭
    August 29 9:41AM 

    Hi, I’ve had a small break from media, I was getting overwhelmed reading everything every day. So you decided on an implant, I went with my own tissue, as I have a sister that had mast, expander and has had 3 implants. Just her personal journey, so I was trying to avoid that and had a lat dorsi. I’m at the recon surgeons 2mrw, should know when the next surgery will happen. Then my breast surgeon, she did the skin saving mastectomy. Have you got a date yet? 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Hi @melzzs and @Stillstanding .... welcome to the club you never thought you'd have to join xx.   Well done on joining the reconstruction group, Melzzs ... there will be a wealth of information there that you can access & can ask personal questions in total privacy. xx. I hope your appointment with the surgeon went well.

    Feel free to ask ANY questions of us - someone will have had experience with it & will give an honest answer. xx  There are NO dumb questions.   Hopefully we'll be able to smooth out some of the bumps that many of us have experienced, before we joined the group ...  

    It is a roller coaster of emotions for sure - so feeling sad, even confused, is totally normal as it has happened to most of us at one stage or another - so don't be afraid to 'let it all out' .... it can be quite cathartic to even have a big SCREAM now & then, probably in the safety of your car, away from other people tho!  ;)   

    And don't forget to ring our helpline on 1800 500 258 to have a chat with our Mods if you'd like a real person to 'chat with' ... Mon-Fri, 9-5 hours.

    Make sure you have a trusted friend or relative with you at all your early appointments & even consider recording the appointments on your phone, as it is almost impossible to remember everything that is said at the time. 

    Have a think about how you are going to tell people - with me, it was on an 'as needs basis' .... telling my nearest & dearest first - some others didn't find out til I sent out the next Xmas Letter, 12 months later! LOL  .... and even then, I set up an email that I sent out every other week, so I didn't have to keep repeating the same story over & over ... as it can be quite upsetting for you.

    In the mean time, try & keep yourself as busy as you can leading up to your surgery & ongoing treatments, doing things you love doing (I basically went fishing in my kayak every day between initial scans/biopsy & the actual diagnosis!)  .... Maybe, consider cooking up some meals & freezing them, making it easier for after you do have your surgery.

    Also, check out this post for lots of 'general' info on the forum that you may like to look at too! (Even some funny bits, as we all need a laugh xx)  You can show off your garden, your fur-kids, your art & craft ..... or start a new thread, with your favourite hobby!  ;)   
    At the bottom of the post are some Tick Sheet PDFs that you can print off & fill in, to follow your physical and mental health .... that you can take along with you & show your team, if you need xx

    You may also like to check out the podcasts by Charlotte Tottman - as she is a specialist BC Counsellor who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 4-5 years ago. She's had a double mastectomy, stayed flat and KNOWS what we've all gone thru!  She was surprised too, at the emotions she went thru herself, as they were different from what she'd 'thought they were' when she was counseling women prior to her own diagnosis.  So she 'gets it'.   They are very easy listening too. xx
    Go to this link, click on the 'list' (it should show 22 tracks) and start off with No 13 (the first one of Series 1) and work your way thru them.
    https://soundcloud.com/search?q=charlotte tottman

    Take one step at a time, one day at a time, one hour at a time, if needed xx.  And make sure you stay away from Dr Google, as a lot of it is outdated & not relevant to your own diagnosis ... and will only confuse you.   Ask important questions of your team (and/or you Breast Care Nurse, when you are connected with one) or us - those that have actually been thru it all x

    Take care xx