Reclaim Your Curves (RYC) Charity - wind up

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
edited July 31 in Community news and events
Sharing post from the group leaders of the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group to the wider Online Network community: 
As of the 30 June 2024 Reclaim Your Curves (RYC) Charity will be wound up. It comes with it some mixed emotions of both pride and sadness. Pride in what we achieved as a group and some sadness that comes with the end of something.

It is no secret that we have shared an ongoing relationship with Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and in fact the Board members met on the BCNA Online Network, and this was where we were lucky enough to form a great friendship with Louise Turner our founder and be a part of building her dream of supporting women exploring options in relation to breast reconstruction.

It makes perfect sense therefore that as we wind up the Charity, we pass any remaining funds and our Fact sheets to BCNA to contribute to the great work they do advocating for women facing breast cancer and the associated challenges.

BCNA is Australia’s leading breast cancer consumer organisation is the best place for RYC to donate residual funds and resources as there is strong alignment in our vision and objectives. I would also like to acknowledge CEO Kirsten Pilatti and Director Policy, advocacy and Support Services Vicki Durston and the team for their support and guidance as we wind down. I am confident that our dreams and vision are in the best hands.

If you need any information or support, please contact the BCNA Helpline on 1800 500 258