BCNA Webcast - Let's Cut through all the hype! Why exercise?

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 898
edited May 15 in Community news and events

Register today for our upcoming webcast Let’s cut through all the hype! Why exercise?

Exercise is well known to positively impact your physical and emotional wellbeing. Did you know it can also positively affect things like fatigue, lymphoedema, muscle strength, depression and anxiety?

Join us on Wednesday 22 May 7pm AEST to hear from Lauren Whiting, Founder and CEO of Lift Cancer Care Services. Lauren will be sharing simple and practical ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, the benefits of exercise, how to seek resources and access support from experts like an exercise physiologist.

We’ll also be joined by BCNA Consumer Representatives, Dr Andrea Smith and Dr Naama Carlin. They will be sharing the role of exercise in their life. 

Submit your questions before or during the event to have them answered!

This webcast is for anyone who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer or who is living with or after a breast cancer diagnosis.

To find out more and to register, visit the link
