Muscular cramp

Just curious to know if anyone post treatment has suffered really bad cramp? I had noticed a couple of times in the night I had calf cramps (nothing too severe) but I have just started aqua aerobics to try and help the range of movement in my arm due to full axillary clearance being done, but it seems every time I hit the water I end up with shocking leg cramps like super painful!
I am only on Tamoxifen at present, and of course I will discuss with my medical team but can we take magnesium or anything to help? Or any other advice?


  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 531
    Is the pool water cold?
    I had cramps before my cancer treatment. But probably worse since treatment.
    I am on Exemestane, and also experience general muscle tightness in my legs.
    I take magnesium, I think it helps. But I still have some cramps and muscle tightness.
    I've asked lots of times what the cure for cramps is, but magnesium has been the only suggestion.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    I suffer cramps on Tamoxifen 
    Check with your team as to how to manage.   No point adding something if you don't need it or if it reacts badly with other medications you may take
    Best wishes 

  • Christabel03
    Christabel03 Member Posts: 80
    @Abbydog this was a warm water pool I think it will probably be magnesium but certainly will check it out. 
    @iserbrown can I ask how you manage your cramps on tamoxifen?
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Drinking water during the day 
    Side effects do wane, or at least that's what I found.  The body seemed to have adjusted and only a couple of side effects are with me today
    Best wishes 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    Memememe. Oh the pain. Nothing helped until I went against all rules and had some ibuprofen. Don't care that is wasn't allowed. The pain was so bad I was prepared to do anything. Worse than childbirth and I had back labour!
  • Christabel03
    Christabel03 Member Posts: 80
    Ugh @Blossom1961 sounds like you were in a world of pain! I have been taking some magnesium one that you take in water like a berocca thingo....and the cramps seem to have stopped (touch wood) and I am actually getting some sleep, so maybe it's not a bad thing. I will speak with my oncologist at my next visit to see if I can stay on it or what she recommends but geeeez its nice to have some relief!