The use of Medicinal Cannabis Oil in Cancer Treatment - WEBINAR next Tues (Aus Time)

arpie Member Posts: 8,286
The use of Medicinal Cannabis Oil (MCO) in the treatment of Cancer is a much debated topic - yet it is still not readily available to Australians, even tho many countries in the world allow it's use for both quality of life in those with cancer, pain relief & some claim to be NED after using MCO ... many who've used it also rely on it for both stimulation of appetite, pain control and the ability to live your life with some degree of dignity and enjoyment.

There are many different strengths in MCO - to deal with mild or chronic pain thru to extreme pain - and discussion with a professional is recommended to determine the strength/dose you require.  Usually MCO is taken as a number of drops, under the tongue (sublingual).  

I've used MCO to help control the aches & pains brought on by AIs .... but it is very difficult to get prescriptions in Australia as many GPs refuse to do them - and as the Oil is not available on the PBS - it is a prohibitive price as well, even if purchased from the chemist using a script!  :(  - basically, legally, it can cost Hundreds of dollars a month, which is ridiculous, given how easy it is to make the oil if you can source the ingredients.

Please read this thread for an interesting insight into MCO by a BCNA member who was an ex Police Superintendent ...

If you would like to know more about the use of Medicinal Cannabis Oil in the treatment of Cancer .... register for these!

Here is a US Webinar presentation (that will be recorded - tho you need to register to be able to access to recordings) ..... as it is 4am Aussie time!!

Watch it at home, at a convenient time.

Join Liz Roglan present on a 2-Part Series called Medical Cannabis and Cancer: What You Need to Know . The webinars will focus on the medical, evidence-based, botanical data and research, including a variety of patient case studies, all cited & peer reviewed literature.

  REGISTER HERE - you can add a question at the time of registration:

Part I- Cannabis 101 the Plant & How It Works within Your Body

Monday, April 4, 2022 at 10 AM PST | 1 EST (4am Aussie Time!)


Part II- Practical Applications in Cancer Care

Friday, May 6, 2022 at 10 AM PST | 1 EST   (4am Aussie Time!)

