This bit isn't fun either

Everyone around me expects me to be party central three weeks after finishing treatment. I thought I'd be happy too.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited October 2021
    @K_LeeB ... well done on completing your treatment - I hope you managed to have a celebration to mark the ocassion.

    Yes, sadly a lot of folk think that it is all over when the treatment 'stops' - but it doesn't really stop for at least another 5 years (if you are on Hormone Suppressing Tablets) .....  It's been such a treadmill since detection, it is tricky to step off it & try & get back to 'normal life' .... but it WILL come to a time when you revert back to 'relatively normal'  - it just takes time.

    Try & keep busy - get back into your hobbies or maybe even start some new hobbies!  You may even make lots of new friends, as there is the distinct possibility that some of your old friends may 'fall by the wayside' as they DON'T really understand what you've been thru. :(   And our Bullshit Meters are usually a bit 'lower' than before -  I don't put up with that trivial crap anymore ..... 

    Do what is right for you xxx.  You know best xx. take care
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    edited October 2021
    I have heard that it can take double the time after our active treatment to start to feel somewhat "normal".  For me that was the case, I had 18 months of active treatment, so that means 36 months to start to feel I can "sort of" move forward.  For me that was May this year.  It can be a long haul, but don't be hard on yourself, and don't listen to those that expect you should be over it by now!  This stuff is exhausting, just be kind to yourself and you don't need to explain to anyone.  True, it isn't fun!  But eventually you find your own comfort zone, and your OWN timeframe, it really can be an assault on the body and mind, what we have been through.  Best wishes.  xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    Absolutely, @Camembear (LOVE the name!!)  Yep, my 'bullshit' level is now almost next to zero, after what we've all been thru ..... and rightfully so.  Sometimes my eyebrows speak louder than my words ...... they say 'WTF'??  "Are you for REAL?"

    That's great that you are getting help ..... they will be able to give you coping mechanisms - and life DOES slowly return to a 'new normal' ..... it does just take time.

    I hope that you are able to enjoy Xmas/New Year with the kids & family & friends (covid willing) and make 'lots of wonderful memories' with them. 

    take care xxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    You've got us on the forum, we get it and never judge....just smile and don't allow the comments to sit in your thoughts

    Best wishes for Christmas and the coming New Year!
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    Hi I just passed the 12 month anniversary of completion of my “active “ treatment ( radiotherapy) although I am now on Letrazole for at least 5 years.
    I had a big cry session on the actual anniversary day because of course you never really return to “ normal” after a BC diagnosis.
    People who haven’t been there can never really get that no matter how well meaning they may be.
    There will always be grief at the loss of your former “ bulletproof” self.
    But I have tried to look on the bright side of things - I had excellent Doctors and a good prognosis and life is otherwise pretty good.