Men's experience with breast cancer - BCNA interviews
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Hi everyone,
BCNA are looking for
a male who has breast cancer to do a phone interview in the next couple of days
for national media outlets. The interview and an accompanying photo will be
distributed through the media next week. National male breast cancer awareness
day is on Wednesday 20 October and we are very keen to showcase the issues
males experience having breast cancer. If you would like to be involved please
email Anna today at
BCNA are looking for
a male who has breast cancer to do a phone interview in the next couple of days
for national media outlets. The interview and an accompanying photo will be
distributed through the media next week. National male breast cancer awareness
day is on Wednesday 20 October and we are very keen to showcase the issues
males experience having breast cancer. If you would like to be involved please
email Anna today at
Willing to talk about any aspect of male breast cancer. Experienced in all forms of media.Contact: 0418 7332311
Thankyou @arpie and @traveltext - I will pass on details to Anna for you no problem.1