A new bunch of Community Liaisons join the army

BCNA held the first Community Liaison training for women from rural/regional areas last week. 16 women from across Australia came together in Melbourne for two days to learn more about BCNA and how they can help raise awareness in their communities of the impact of breast cancer and our free resources.
When you bring together a bunch of motivated women who are prepared to be open and share their experiences with the view of making a difference in their community, it's not surprising that many new friendships are formed - this is one of the beautiful and powerful things about being a part of our Network. Personally, I feel so privileged to get to know all these amazing women more and to have provided the catalyst for these relationships to form.
At the end of the training each new Community Liaison had an Action Plan to take back to their community - people they are going to speak to and activities to plan to help spread the word of BCNA.
From here we look forward to hearing their stories and learning from their experiences together, because it's a relationship where we work to support each other.
Thanks again to all the women who participated. If you would like to know more about BCNA's Community Liaison program check out the Get Involved page of our website.
your right Shirl, I too came home so excited at being part of a wonderful program. I also have put BCNA's hard work into action and have the support of my son and his school and are organising a mini-fields day at their school in October. As a school requirement I have tapped into their 20 hours community service for the Duke Of Ediburgh Award and will have 8 kids "pinked" out doing all sorts of fundraising for breast cancer month. Will keep you posted
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your right Shirl, I too came home so excited at being part of a wonderful program. I also have put BCNA's hard work into action and have the support of my son and his school and are organising a mini-fields day at their school in October. As a school requirement I have tapped into their 20 hours community service for the Duke Of Ediburgh Award and will have 8 kids "pinked" out doing all sorts of fundraising for breast cancer month. Will keep you posted
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Now that the dust has settled I am able to say a HUGE thanks you to yourself and all that assisted in our training. It did take two days for my head to get the brain settled down though! So much information, support and care was received.
On my first day back at work I met a newly diagnosed lady, so gave her a BCNA leaflet and she contacted me yesterday to ask a few questions. She is expecting her My Journey kit today and has a mastectomy with reconstruction this Friday. I will be available to support her and introduce her to BCNA's web pages etc. in the future. I too feel stronger , empowered and truly supported by all of you there in Camberwell.
I meet with the local library today to arrange a display for October and am thinking more of other ways to promote BCNA. I hope all you girls in the office are ready for us!