FranP Member Posts: 396

hi all sorry i havent been on line the last couple of days, been flat out. Daryl had his op replacement of 5 arteries and valve repair, he is in allot of pain and not a happy chappie, has bad nausea and has realised that he now has an allergy to morphine, never bothered him before. 

but does now makes him throw up fun when you have had open heart and all your sternum has been cut through, OUCH .

he is struggling but it is early days yet, i will keep you posted.  i am okay just soooooooo tired. off to bed 




  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Early days as you say but so far so good-he survived a huge operation.You are doing a great job supporting Daryl,hope you get a good night's sleep.

                                       Tonya xx

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015

    Hi Fran,

     You have a big load  supporting your husband. Five arteries and a valve repair, sounds like a huge operation. I do hope he has less pain and discomfort soon.

    Hope you can get some rest also.

    Regards, Kathy.

  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    oh we are soooo thinking of you both-at least he has got thru this big 1st hurdle, just need to regain his strength now..sending all our love and wishes-xmas in hospital isn't fun but he is in the best place

    Sam & Steve & kids  xxxxx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for the update.  I am so pleased that the big op is over for you both.  Sending my love and good wishes to you both.  Don't worry too much about Xmas this year - next year you will be able to have a huge one!!! XLeonie

  • Katie Allen
    Katie Allen Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Fran, I am so glad to hear this update. I have been thinking of you and your family. I hope that as each day comes, Daryl is getting stronger and stronger. You are in all our thoughts Katie xo

  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    yes he is improving each day , has his good and bad days , yestyerday he was very down and had pain and palpitations which we were told can happen, it just all time now and him being patient which he is good at , he isnt a sook thankfully but he does get frustrated at not being able to do things, i keep reminding him it could be worse. and he agrees. 

  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    yes he is improving each day , has his good and bad days , yestyerday he was very down and had pain and palpitations which we were told can happen, it just all time now and him being patient which he is good at , he isnt a sook thankfully but he does get frustrated at not being able to do things, i keep reminding him it could be worse. and he agrees. 

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Glad for the update -was wondering how you both were fairing. XLeonie

  • Samantha Cunnington
    Samantha Cunnington Member Posts: 235
    edited March 2015

    thanks Fran...have been thinking abount u both..xxxx


  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    16th jan hi all well yesterday Daryl had his 70th birthday which we didnt think he would make a few weeks ago. he is slowly improving still having up and down days, and his blood pressure is still down and his heart rate still up a bit. see's our gp on friday so will have his check up and medications re adjusted.

    see's the cardiologist in another 3 weeks and will be told when he can drive and also if he needs to stay on the heart pills.

    he knows this is his second chance so wwe have twice as much reason to grab life with both hands. thanks for all the wishes.

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    That's quite a milestone birthday and I guess he"ll remember this one.I'm glad Daryl is gradually recovering and that  2012 is looking better for you two now.You've had more than your fair share of nasty surprises so hope you are in for some good times now.Thanks for the update.

                                                Tonya xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi Fran,  So glad to hear that Daryl is improving.  I hope he had a good birthday and you celebrated with him.  I hope 2012 keeps giving you better health. XLeonie