Anyone having tech issues with "drafts"

kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553

@Sister,    Things aren't working over here a lot too! 

Anyone having issues going back into a draft to edit it??

  Every time I try to open the draft it it tells me "You do not have permission to do that."  Also some posts post properly but if I go to edit them it comes up with "conversation miss match" or "will be posted after approval".  After multiple messages to the powers that be I still have no answer.  Frustrating. Tech help is unhelpful and takes far too long.  My last request for help was in August.,  No response on that one.

So a number of months ago I wrote a post to go into LTAV.  That was the 20th June
Now normally I would say whatever and re write it.  However the LTAV one (a road test on a naughty product)  was written after a bottle of wine (could of been two :) and according to drunk me was pretty darn funny.   Sober me stuck her nose in and said that I really shouldn't post that until she could read it in the morning first!  That's when the trouble started because, for the life of me I can't remember what I had written that I had found so freakin funny at the time lol

So if the tech gurus are about (and apparently they can access it)  can somebody please send me a screen shot of it ???????????



  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    Hi @kezmusc Sometimes I have trouble posting comment but I think it's me more than the technology!!
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @Kezmusc how frustrating that you are still having issues, will be in touch via private message.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    I hope they find it @kezmusc!! It sounds like smth I’d really like to read, and humorous, which is what we need more of 😉
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,281
    I had problems last year .... got a funny face, saying I didn’t have permission ... but been ok since.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Yeah I'm getting the funny face also