Bilateral Mastectomy and no further treatment

Geordie Member Posts: 5
edited August 2020 in General discussion
Just wondering if there is anyone out there who has had either a mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy who then didn't need any further treatment at all?
I had this earlier this year but everywhere I look everyone talks about treatment following surgery.Mine required none which is fabulous but I have this feeling I don't quite fit anywhere.
It seems there was this sudden rush of activity after diagnosis, a quick surgery and then a sudden stop it all. I was never sick, another thing to celebrate.


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,449
    @Geordie Sounds marvellous. Well done on catching it early enough not to need any extra treatment. We welcome everyone on here, from supporters to those who have had BC and to those who currently have BC. We love to celebrate with those who have overcome.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,397
    It seems mad to describe someone who has had breast cancer as lucky, but you know what I mean! Most people feel perfectly well before diagnosis, then not at all well while they have treatment so surgery alone is a good outcome. I had one affected lymph node and was HER positive so chemo, herceptin and hormonal therapy were recommended - I could have said no, but decided that doing all I could to nobble the thing seemed the best idea. No regrets. Glad you had a swift decisive course of action! Best wishes. 
  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    My cousin had a mastectomy and then only treatment was hormone therapy so not everyone goes on to have chemo and radiation or as myself only radiation. So you are very lucky to have dodged a bullet 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Wonderful. Yes the face of cancer if chemo and radiotherapy but many women if picked up early do not require either.
  • Geordie
    Geordie Member Posts: 5
    Thanks everyone. Good to know there are other people like me out there.
    Lucky to have dodged the chemo and radiotherapy bullet

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,570
    Hello @Geordie

    I was told if I had a double mastectomy that I probably wouldn’t need any other treatment, apart from hormone therapy. I got really happy and agreed. I still ended up having to have radiation, but luckily avoided chemo. Surgery is the best treatment for cancer and has the least side effects, so if you can get away with just that I think it’s fantastic. Other treatment has too many side effects, and still with no guarantee. So good on you for not needing more 😊☺️

    Mon Xx
  • Pennylee
    Pennylee Member Posts: 4
    Hiya @Geordie

    Yes I also am in the same boat.  I have recently had a mastectomy and thankfully and gratefully avoided any further treatment other that hormone therapy.  I feel exactly the same as you described, and it's a very hard feeling to put into words to get others to understand.  We have definitely dodged that bullet.   xxx
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,449
    @Pennylee I imagine it is like survivors guilt. I made it through but my BC buddy didn’t. I didn’t understand my feelings until one of the lovelies on here explained it to me. Makes sense.

  • Pennylee
    Pennylee Member Posts: 4
    @Blossom1961 Theres a name for it !? I'm going to have to look into that a little more. Its so bitter sweet all at once. Im so sorry to hear of your buddy. xx
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Hi @Geordie.
    I had single mx and implant recon 3 years ago and no other treatment. Not even hormone treatment.  I know what you mean i felt like id been in a cyclone..... then nothing. And there was always lots of discussions that i couldnt relate to. I felt like a bit of a fraud lurking here  when id got off so lightly. Had it really been real or necessary. ?? These days i dont think too much about it at all. Except how lucky i am. Best  of luck with your recovery. 
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    Come to think of it i do remember having a few fears around recurrence and whether no further treatment left me more susceptible. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,667
    Pleasing to read!
  • Jwrenn
    Jwrenn Member Posts: 144
    @Vallerina that’s a good way of putting it, feeling like a fraud.  I’ve joined in a couple of zoom meetings and felt like that because I “only had a lumpectomy and then radiation “ not a mastectomy or chemo. It was my feeling like that probably and not them saying anything. 
  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    @Jwrenn yes my fraudulence was definitely in my own perception.
    To this day most of my friends have no idea about what happened to me. Because by the time i could bring myself to talk about it it was too far in the past and i wanted to leave it there . I felt like mayb noone would believe Id had cancer because i looked so well  and No visible evidence. I feel lucky to have 'only' had a mastectomy but i sometimes feel it was pretty drastic. But hey 3 years clear and lucky me they routinely MRI my remaining breast each year so i know im all good. My granddaughter was born a week after my recon which helped me smile again. My fake boob looks great in lingerie or swimmers so i can do everything like b4
    I had a huge 7 cm DCIS that hadnt spread at all and clear nodes so thats why no more treatment.