Differing opinions

Two weeks ago as I am walking in the shopping centre, a stranger looks at me and then makes a rude comment as she passed. Last week it happened again. Today, yep, another total stranger used a few choice words on my appearance as he was passing. I almost want to wax my head and eyebrows and put my chemo cap back on. My daughter put this picture of the top of my head on Facebook and everyone loved it. Passing judgement is really not acceptable.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,309
    So sorry to hear this has happened once, let alone twice, @Blossom1961 !  How bloody rude - it says more about THEM than you!  Rude & Intolerant mongrels!

    Take care my friend - and have a wonderful weekend - hope it isn't too cold for you!  Stay warm & snug xx

  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Blossom1961 You poor thing. Your story is too familar to a lot of people dealing with all the lows that come from this disease. I attended the BCNA Conference in Adelaide last weekend & we had a brilliant speaker Dr Charlotte Tottman, physcologist, who also spoke candidly about her own story. She is a BC survivor so is going through her own battles as well as helping others through theirs. She was in the airport one day with her husband & heard a man call her a "she man". He didnt know she could hear him & Charlottle's hubbie didnt hear either but she wanted the ground to open up & swallow her as she felt so embarrassed & hurt. A lady in front of me started crying as she too has had that happen to her. Charlotte is a beautiful strong woman & it is a testament to her resilience, that she can speak about her story to try & help others. 
    There are many cruel people in this world & maybe one day they will have a wife, daughter or mother going through cancer & then they will know what it's like. Try to be strong, my dear, as your friends & family are the ones that matter & those that have stood by you through this, will be your rock. love & hugs xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Struth Ruth!  I find it hard to comprehend that people can be so judgmental and darn right rude - how dare they pass a comment or dirty look or whatever!  Who made them so mighty! 
    You are better than all of them @Blossom1961 - don't let them get you down

    Take care
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited August 2019

    Your hair looks almost exactly like mine, so not only am I astounded and upset that this has happened to you, but also personally insulted as well! What is wrong with these people?


  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Both of you @Blossom1961 & @kmakm. Your hair looks fabulous! It is so beautiful and thick.

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,530
    Thank you ladies. The first time it happened I presumed I misunderstood and was being sensitive. The second time I was a bit perplexed and thought maybe I was just imagining it. Then when it happened today I wasn’t sure what to think. So this is what I decided. They could see what a wonderful person I am so they were just off loading but didn’t mean it as an insult to me. I can live with that! 😍
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,530
    @kmakm Hair twins!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited August 2019
    Let's put our heads together (literally!) next week and do a photo, twinny! I promise I don't have lice! K xox  ;)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thank you @Patti J. In my (pretty shitty) genetic lottery I won when it came to the hair. It's thick and we go grey late! K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Fuck them. They deserve a kick up the clacker.
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    What the hell is wrong with some people !!!
     I hope your ok , your hair looks amazing as does Kate's !! 
    Your a wonderful person & don't deserve that sort of crap
    I agree with @zoffiel
    please have a wonderful weekend & hope to catch up soon xx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Personally, I'm at a loss to understand why they would pass any remarks.  Bald from chemo, I get - bloody rude of course, but I get it.  Maybe they don't like your "choice" of style but, really?  I like to think that I wouldn't have ignored it but I suspect the shock would be enough to dumbfound me.

    When I went back to work, I wore a wig for the first week as my hair (post it's first after-chemo clip) was only a few mms long and a bit patchy.  I couldn't stand working in the wig so the second week I went au naturel.  Very short, patchy and an ugly grey colour.  Eighteen hundred teenagers never batted an eyelid except for one lovely boy who complimented me on my new haircut (obviously been told at home to recognise when a woman gets her hair cut).  They never knew that I had had cancer or chemo and a few hundred of them had never even met me before.

    @blossom1961 Some people are just a blight on the Earth.
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    You have a lovely head of hair! I don't get some people particularly when they are being downright rude. Hugs Cath