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One more AC then Taxol and Carboplatin

Penny001 Member Posts: 19
would love to hear from anyone who has one ac to go and also those on taxol weekly so i no what to expect. Feeling scared all over again.


  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115

    I had 12 Taxol after 4 AC+ T , Taxol is easier I felt on the body than the AC just fatigue and fluid retention , but if you keep walking daily it helps to counteract some of the fatigue.

    I feel that once you start on the Taxol the time flies by really quickly.

    Hang in there.
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Hi @ Penny001
     I did the same treatment  only had 3 lots of  carbo with the taxol  it was doable  but I found the week of carbo the hardest.  I ended up with migraines every week (but I do suffer from them) and nose bleeds, nails lifted  and had 2 lots of blood  due to low red count. The treatment did the trick as had chemo before surgery and it shrunk the tumor to nearly nothing. 

     Not too scare you too much  you might find it not as bad . I wish you all the best with the rest of your treatment  the end is in sight.
    Take care  😀
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Hi Penny001,
    I had dose dense A/C every fortnight for 8 weeks, body didn’t cope very well I must say.

    Good news is I’m currently on my fourth round of Paclitaxel, 8 to go, body coping so much better besides feeling tired and a little achy, but so much more doable than the A/C.
    Im actually able to do things around the house, and go out and do some things of interest. 
    Hang in there it’s much better.
  • Kiki_Dances60
    Kiki_Dances60 Member Posts: 40
    Hi @Penny001, I’m in week 7 of 12 weekly taxol after 4 fortnightly AC. With AC my nails discoloured/bruised and my head hair all fell out by the 2nd treatment. No vomiting or diarrhea, but constipation for me! Reflux started week 3 so I started taking slippery elm before breakfast and dinner which calmed it down. I got plantar fasciitis in the 3rd fortnight which meant I had to rest (more - fatigue was real). Husband borrowed an exercise bike as I couldn’t walk. I now stretch my feet and calves every day! By the end of AC my tumour had shrunk to 1/8th of its original size 🎉🎉🎉
    With Taxol I find I’ve more energy than with the AC. But my toe and fingernails are sore, I’ve strange pins and needles in my feet and I had to buy bigger shoes. Day 4-7 I get aches and pains (kind of like flu) in my legs, jaw and eyes (I take nurofen before bed) and a wheezy cough. Much of my body hair has disappeared 😯. By week 3 of Taxol I had become quite anaemic which made me rather breathless and exhausted (78, when norm is 110-160), so I got a blood transfusion week 5 which has helped a lot 😅. I walk almost every day and try to do some of the onc physio’s exercises.
    Since the start I’ve been using jojoba oil as all-over body and scalp moisturizer. I take ultra muscleze (magnesium and B6) twice a day which helps my mood and aches. I drink a lot of water, no alcohol, very little sugar, rarely drink tea, and make sure to eat something with protein in it every 2-3 hours, or I feel nauseous.

    I hope this helps - you may get some or none of these side effects!! 

    Best wishes for your treatment. I hope you find a way through that works for you. 💗

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,475
    The strange pins and needles are early signs of peripheral
    neuropathy - it may get no worse but let your oncologist know, as it’s worth keeping an eye on, in case it develops - it can be painful and can linger. Vitamin B may possibly help but check also with your oncologist. Best wishes. 
  • MicheleR
    MicheleR Member Posts: 355
    Hi @Penny001,

    I had dose dense ac and have done 7 rounds of taxol so far. I got this week off to give my hands and feet a break from peripheral neuropathy. Although ive had these issues for me taxol is long but easier than ac. 

    A couple of recommendations. Exercise for fatigue really works. If you feel seedy eat some protein also helps. Cant recommend anything for hands and feet. But doable. I cant wait till im finished. 
