Catch up...

Hi there - haven't been around for a while, yes, have been lurking.  So first apologies but have had head in sand and hands over ears eyes shut and going lalalala.  Not happening to me!  But sadly yes, the aftermath of BC does get some of us.  

Briefly - finished Chemo beginning November, after single mastectomy and Diep reconstruction.  (This month is my detection anniversay)  Had terrible neutopenia after chemo, and have slowly trying to rebuild my immune system.  Went on a cruise (first one) beginning March, long awaited for, the light at the end of the BC tunnel and got a virus onboard.  So a bit of a downward spiral trying to get over that.  But all good ATM.  Would've liked to join in with the Melbourne catch up but MIL 97th birthday so I won't get there.

Hair - lost most of my hair, wore scarves and am now salt and pepper curly gray.  (I have had a lot of people saying they love it)  I do as well, easy to step out of shower towel dry and that's it.  Not much in the eyebrow or eyelash department but have managed with makeup.  

Nails - had four distinct ridges that broke off when they got to the end of the nail.  However had gel nails put on for the cruise and I should've done that earlier, as they have been terrific since.

Mind - no going back to the old me.  Way to tired (I sleep a good 12 hours a night! sorry night howlers) however golf has got me out and socialising again.  Again slowly.  I have weaned myself off anti-depressants and have a couple of 2mg valium every now and again.  But am not pushing myself at all.  Have a different attitude totally towards 'everything'.  I am me and if you don't like it - your issue.  I am now more tolerant and easy going.

Body - scars fading well.  Not too sure about the Foob.  A bit lumpy and hard, but no pain and looks OK in a bra lol.

Food/bowel - still working on that one no appetite, and it's a toss up between loose and hard.  Not consistent at all.  Not much cooking going on very much a short order cook.

Otis Foundation - I have a holiday at the end of May with Otis, and will let you guys know how it was.  It's at Kez's hideaway and my daughter husband and two grand sons will be there.  

So I will log on every now and again, and sorry I'm not contributing as much, however I would like to move forward and there are so many of you that have more words than I do, love you all for your support and encouragement through this last year.

Julie (harvey1903) 


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Love Kez's. I was there last May and it was a magic place. It seems to be in the middle of nowhere, but there are so many lovely things to do if you want to go for a drive. Enjoy. Mxx
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    Hi Julie, Good to see you here again. Hope you have a great time on holiday. xxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Good to hear from you @Harvey1903. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Lovely to hear from you @Harvey1903 and know that you are coming out of the morass of the last 12 months.  There's a time for everything and the network's still going to be here if you want to check in.  Enjoy your stay at Kez's and best wishes for the next 12 (and more, of course).
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,229
    Great hearing from you @Harvey1903 - Enjoy your Otis holiday!! (I have 5 days at Thredbo with Otis at the end of April!  Can't wait - even tho it will be freezing cold - there is light snow already!!)