Reclaim Your Curves Melbourne Support Group Dates May, July, September & November 2019

Dandelion Member Posts: 102
edited October 2021 in Community news and events

Where: Elsternwick Hotel-Elwood 259 Brighton road Elwood. 

Time: 12 midday to 3pm


We have 4 dates for 2019 at the Elsternwick Hotel.

259 Brighton road Elwood. 

Time: 12 midday to 3pm

Saturday 18th May 

Saturday 6th July 

Saturday 21st September 

Saturday 16th November


We have one date set for the Think pink Foundation - Living Centre

390 St Kilda Rd Melbourne 

Thursday 23rd May 11am - 1pm 

And I’m excited to announce we have two guest speakers to attend. 

Topic: Health and well-being goals after breast cancer – using smart 

technology to reach them

This session will explore SOZO which provides advanced technology that is 

used to track your body composition (including muscles and lymphatics) as 

you get back to your activities of daily living through both your cancer 

treatment and beyond.

You will have the opportunity to try this technology.


Maree O’Connor, Physiotherapist, Victorian Lymphoedema Practice

Adam Brown, Exercise and Sports Scientist, Impedimed Australia


  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,194
    Hi @Dandelion, good on you for organising these get togethers. I'm in NSW so can't get there but find the lunches I have attended on the Central Coast very informative and a great way to connect with others.

    I also recently tried the SOZO machine at the Lymphoedema Clinic at Macquarie University Hospital (where I work) - very interesting and a great eye-opener that can help pinpoint how much muscle mass to build up to help alleviate the lymphoedema. I was also told I have almost 1litre of extra fluid in my hand and arm and where the worst areas of build up are, which helps them target the therapy a bit more. Jane xx 
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Hi @Jane221
    I’m actually new to organising the social group and have to admit I’m loving it. The connections are very special. 

    Sounds very interesting the sozo machine, I’m excited by the sounds  it’s going to be very informative for many ladies . 
    Hope it helped with your swelling x 

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi @Dandelion. I'm looking forward to meeting you! May I ask why all the meetings are at the Elsternwick Hotel? Thanks, K xox
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Hi there @kmakm.
    im just following on from the information at handover that past events held at the Elsternwick Hotel had the highest numbers attend. At other venuens across Melbourne there was little turnout. It also seems central to most but not all. 
    The Elsternwick is also pretty quiet on weekends so for a large group it does work well.
    Are you coming to the next event ? 
    Happy to discuss this at the next event for future dates and mix it up :) 
    looking forward to meeting you too x
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    Hi @Dandelion Do you need to have had or considering a breast recon to attend the session with the SOZO? I am remaining lopsided. 
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Hi there @Blossom1961
    Of course your more than welcome to attend. Reclaim  your curves was created to assist woman plan their lives after breast cancer and provide information, and specifically support woman seeking breast reconstruction. This event @ the think pink centre is therefore providing information to life after breast cancer and the topic: 
    Health and well-being goals after breast cancer . 

    The Saturday luncheons are more specific to woman that are considering or have had breast reconstructions. 

    If you would like to attend just rsvp so I how many will be attending . 
    Thanks x

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Blossom1961 I went to one last year. It was a very warm event, lots of sharing, wide range of ages, people at different stages of the process. Low key but very positive, just chicks round a table having a feed and a chat. With the occasional looking down each other's tops!
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    @kmakm That will be just before I am allowed to get my tatt. Looking down my top will have to wait until October 😍
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,525
    @Dandelion I would love to come to Think Pink session in May. I will confirm closer to the event. Thank you
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I would like to attend the Think Pink event as well thank you!
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    Is the lunch for women who have had a breast reconstruction or having one? I had a lumpectomy
    Regards Stork
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Hi @Stork, sorry for late response. 
    Your welcome to join us for lunch and be apart of the amazingly friendly and supportive woman . Most of the woman have had breast recon but hey that’s ok as bc is bc and we have your back. 
    Il be booking the table this week so Hope to see you there x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Is the one at Think Pink just about lymphoedema, or about other aspects of BC as well? Thanks.
  • Dandelion
    Dandelion Member Posts: 102
    Hi @kmakm
    the event on the 23rd May held at Think Pink. 

    This session will explore SOZO which provides advanced technology that is 

    used to track your body composition (including muscles and lymphatics) as 

    you get back to your activities of daily living through both your cancer 

    treatment and beyond.

    You will have the opportunity to try this technology.

    Hope this helps 😁

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It does sound very interesting.