Ingenious Poster Uses Lemons to Help You Identify Different Signs of Breast Cancer

Sandes Member Posts: 17
I found this article with its images a very effective and witty way to help us identify the different signs of breast cancer.


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Hi! Wonderful isn't it that the message is being spread!
    A picture like the lemons is more effective than a few words only

    Hope you're travelling okay and treatment is/or has been kind 

    Take care
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    It is a clever poster ..... I thought it was great.  An easy to remember list of physcical changes to be aware of!

  • Vallerina
    Vallerina Member Posts: 183
    As long as women dont think that they can look for these signs and skip mamograms. I had a 7CM x3cm high grade dcis. HUGE but Could not be felt at all  by 3 different specialists. (Im not overweight and breast size is on larger side but proportianate)  None of these signs were  present. Even mammo only showed a couple of small calcifications and i ended up with mastectomy. So Im worried this kind of campaign could lull people into false sense of security as No one likes mammograms.
     Its a nice graphic tho i do agree but would not have helped me.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Vallerina Nor me. Tumour wasn't palpable to anyone. A routine mammogram found it. However the mammogram failed to see two Grade 3 areas of DCIS, one 4cm long, due to the density of my breasts, something no one ever spoke to me about.

    Thinking back to my pre-BC self, I think the issue is broadly, the population is under the impression that a mammogram sees all. They don't know that it's an imperfect tool. They don't know that ILC is not often seen on a mammogram, that breast density masks so much.

    The message should be 1) know your breasts through regular self-examination 2) know the warning signs as per the lemons 3) have regular mammograms from 45 4) know your breast density and be given ultrasounds and 3D mammograms accordingly.

    Tertiary education places should have posters displayed conveying all this information. And that young women get breast cancer. It is not an older person's disease. It's the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. The ignorance in the general population is scary.