Lymphoedema Support Group of SA (LSGSA) ILF Survey: Chronic oedema outcome measure

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838

The LSGSA hopes this email finds you well! 

We would like to share information with you about the ILF
(International Lymphoedema Framework) Chronic Oedema Outcomes Measure survey
if you have not yet had the chance to participate there is still time. 

Open to
Consumers, Health Professionals and Industry, it only takes a few minutes and
the findings will be used to help improve patient outcomes!  Warm Regards,


 International Lymphoedema Framework Chronic Oedema Outcome Measure

INVITATION to participate in ILF international
study on Chronic Oedema Outcome Measure

The Chronic Oedema Outcome
Measure (ILF-COM) project is aiming to develop an internationally
agreed set of outcome measures for patients with chronic
oedema. As part of this project, the ILF is conducting an
international survey. We invite patients, health care
professionals and industry representatives worldwide to take part in
this survey which can be accessed via this link:

Undertaking the
international survey serves several purposes including identifying:
  • The range of outcome measures used in different
    countries and how these are viewed by the reimbursement and/or
    health care systems.
  • The issues that are important to patients as
    outcomes of care.
  • The challenges faced by the medical device
    industry in gaining reimbursement of products.
  • Outcome measures appropriate for use by
    reimbursement and health agencies, and for use in chronic oedema
Your input is important to
help us understand the effects of lymphoedema treatment. With this
information we would hope to set international standards. Read
more about the ILF-COM project here.

