QUT research study – Share your thoughts about new breast reconstruction technologies

Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140
edited December 2018 in Community news and events

Hi all,

Researchers at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) are undertaking research which aims to combine new breast implant technology (involving three-dimensional printing) with standard methods of breast reconstruction to provide women affected by breast cancer with a reconstruction that has a more natural shape and feel.

As part of this project, the researchers have developed a short online survey to understand more about how women diagnosed with breast cancer make decisions about whether or not to have a breast reconstruction, as well as how women may feel about the new breast reconstructive technology.

Who can participate?
You can participate in this study if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Please note: you do NOT have to have had a breast reconstruction to participate in this project.

What does the study involve?
Participating in the study involves completing an online survey. The survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes and your responses will be anonymous.

If you participate in the survey, you will be asked some questions about yourself and the diagnosis of breast cancer. These will include: how many years it has been since your diagnosis of breast cancer, what cancer treatments you received and whether or not you chose to have a breast reconstruction. You will also be asked: If there was a new reconstructive breast technology introduced in clinical practice, what do you think is the most likely event or factor that would influence your opinion or behaviour in relation to choosing the new breast technology over a commonly used operation like an implant or FLAP operation?

The survey also includes a couple of general purpose questions relating to human behaviour. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions; the questions help the researchers understand more about how people make decisions.

As a token of their appreciation, the researchers are offering participants the chance to go in for a single lucky draw prize of $1,000. If you win, you will receive $500 in cash and the chance to select a charity to win another $500. There is no obligation to participate in this competition.

How do I take part?
To participate in this study, go to the Study’s webpage: https://survey.qut.edu.au/f/192244/9748/.  

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Stephen Whyte on sg.whyte@qut.edu.au.

Thanks very much for taking the time to consider this opportunity.



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I have completed the survey.  I did find it a difficult survey to complete in that for some of the questions about treatment, there was either no way to answer correctly (eg. there was an assumption that you had a bc nurse) or that it was not possible to tick more that one answer (I would not have a new type of procedure based on any one option - I would look at many sources).  The other part that I found difficult were the "ethics" questions - I get why they are asking them but post-treatment, my brain found it hard to process some of the questions.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    @sister - thanks for the heads up - I will sit and complete the survey over the weekend.  I did see a segment on a TV program about this very research where they make a tailored breast using the 3D printing - it looks fascinating.  
    When one is diagnosed and reconstruction is offered it is a highly emotional time and difficult to be confident in the decisions made let alone post treatment when we've gone through the wringer and exhausted by it all and struggle to find the correct words at times!  I'll give it a go!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    I too was surprised about the assumption of a bc nurse. The ethics questions are quite testing but obviously looking to inform how difficult decisions are processed. I am obviously much more profligate with small amounts of money!! 
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    I would not have wanted the same breast as before.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2018
    It was a bit tricky doing the survey on my phone. I didn’t have a breast care nurse either. I like the fact that you could choose not to answer certain questions and still continue. It was an interesting survey to complete. I look forward to advances in breast reconstruction and for these options to be available to more women. At the moment LD reconstruction is brutal and for me the recovery time was quite long. Fewer mastectomies would be a good thing too. 
  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    I found similar to @Sister with regard to being unable to answer questions correctly. For me it was that I had both IDC and DCIS. Also never had a BC nurse. No where to give that feedback to the researchers either.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @deanne Idid think there would be a feedback or more information box at the end.  Hopefully, the researchers will read these posts.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
  • Chelley59
    Chelley59 Member Posts: 55
    Done...the questions are very clever...Im sure they are designed to give an insight into how we make our decisions....what type of personality we have if we are able to take a risk, do we have to be completely informed and how we would make a decision given the odds.  Deanne I too have DCIS and IDC but my doctor told me since the cancer has become invasive it is now IDC....I am saddened that there are so many that dont have a BC nurse :(
  • Elizebeth
    Elizebeth Member Posts: 80
  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115
    Completed, ethical questions are interesting.
  • BlackWidow
    BlackWidow Member Posts: 268
    Like others, I felt the survey was too strict with no multi-choice answers and no spots for additional information.
  • Lisa_BCNA
    Lisa_BCNA Staff Posts: 140

    Hi all,

    Thanks very much for taking the survey. The points you have raised about the question regarding breast care nurses, as well as some of the other questions, are really interesting and important. I will pass your feedback to the QUT research team.

    If you want to get in touch with the research team directly, you can email Dr Stephen Whyte on sg.whyte@qut.edu.au. Many thanks again, Lisa

  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Hi @Lisa_BCNA. Many people have mentioned, in the past, that they do not have breast care nurses. Many times more have been promised......
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    edited December 2018
    I thought the questions at the end were pretty stupid.  It is obviously trying to see if you are a glass half full or half empty person (or that is how I saw it.)   In the first few questions a specific number of people were going to die ..... just rephrasing it to a percentage dying & others surviving is just stupid.  The first statement already assumed the other 2/3 were going to survive if only 1/3 died!

    They should have had a section where you can input your own info in your own words.

    What has your political or religious preference got to do with BC, let alone your income?

    Sure I had Private Cover - but it didn't pay for all of it!  Are they assuming it did?  Still $6000+ out of pocket!

    Pretty useless survey IMHO