Hello everyone,
Welcome to our fortnightly update. Hoping you all had a good weekend. My apologies for not posting on Friday but I had an annual leave day. So here is our fortnightly update.
With only 3 weeks to go until Christmas it looks like lunch at my place is getting bigger by the day! Thanks to everyone that has replied, see my checklist below to see that we are on track for our virtual Christmas lunch!
@socoda will be bringing cake, @Annie C Christmas pudding (with traditional sixpences), @kmakm trifle, @SoldierCrab good alcohol, @arpie Ukulele’s, @Blossom1961 truffles. I will be bringing the Christmas roast and vegies and provide the afternoon entertainment game of Tombola (Italian bingo)! Thought we could have a game or two while we listen the Ukuleles! Oh almost forgot, BYO virtual chair! For anyone who has not rsvpd there is still time!
Marianne and I held our second teleconference this year with our online major contributors and group leaders last week. This was a great opportunity to hear your thoughts and ideas on how we can best support new members to the online forum and our plans for moving ahead in 2019.
The last Friday update for this year (I promise it will be posted on a Friday!) will be 14 December. I’m planning to include information regarding moderation of the online network over the Christmas New Year break and information regarding available support services over the holiday period.
Community highlights
1.Trying not to feel resentful Great thread commenced by @Milly21. Having completed her cancer treatment over 18 months ago, Milly21 is feeling resentful about the lack of support she has received from family and friends.
2.The new me Great thread commenced by @kitkatb. The ‘new me’ describes how things have changed and how hard it can be to reengage with social activities and connections after a breast cancer diagnosis.
3. Friday funnies Great thread commenced by @kmakm, happy reading!
Community news
Carman’s Fun Run
Sunday 2 December St Kilda Melbourne
What an amazing day was had this Sunday with the Carman’s Women’s fun run. The event was a fabulous success with a total of 5,800 participants and over $200,000 raised so far and counting!
Webcast – Just diagnosed what’s next?
I have noticed that there have been quite a few new online members’ registrations recently including members who have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer looking for support and guidance regarding treatment options. I wanted to highlight the following BCNA resource that you may not have seen on our website.
The webcast titled ‘Just diagnosed what next?’ In this webcast leading experts provide important information to assist with decision-making and coping in the early days after initial diagnosis. You will also hear from a breast cancer survivor, who will share tips on what she wishes she’d known when first diagnosed and trying to make treatment decisions.
- Caroline Baker, breast surgeon
- Kathryn Wallace, breast care nurse
- Renee Gani, breast cancer survivor
You can view the webcast here
Grateful Remembrance Jar: A Quick and Easy Thanksgiving Activity
Rosie came across this great article that we thought would be great to share with our online members. We are fast approaching the holiday season and for some people this can be a very challenging time of the year. Some of us may be grieving the loss of a loved one and wishing they could be with us. This article talks about an easy thanksgiving activity that may help you to acknowledge them during this difficult time, see here
International Day of People with a Disability
Today is International Day of People with a Disability and the theme for this year is empowering persons with a disability and ensuring inclusiveness and equality. Coping with breast cancer can be difficult. If you are also living with a disability, you may face additional challenges.
The needs of people with disabilities diagnosed with breast cancer may vary depending on individual circumstances, type of disability, financial situation, support networks, culture and many other factors. Appropriate information and support can help you to feel more in control and able to participate in decisions about your treatment and care.
BCNA has resources designed specifically for people with a disability. These include fact sheets in Easy English and audio, as well as video resources here
BCNA charity Christmas card pack
Check out these striking, beautiful and unusual art cards, greeting cards, calendars, stationery, wrapping paper & selected gifts showcasing Aboriginal / Indigenous art, Australian artists, illustrators and designers. 10% of sales of selected cards go to BCNA. You can view the cards and order here
Inspirational quote
Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.
Dalai Lama
Have a great week everyone, take care and look after yourselves.
Kind regards