McGrath Nurses

Cowgirl1 Member Posts: 66
edited January 2019 in Day to day
i am so angry and sad regarding women that have had surgery and have no one after wards to help them, after my surgery I had a pamphlet that had a McGrath nurse I could contact which i have and they have been a gods send to me. I have been told it is different for private and public if your public you are on your own which I have just found out to be quiet true. I have joined a bc group like this and is in my home town adelaide . I have tears as I write this I posted a reply to a women and I hand about four replies from other women that were the same no McGrath nurse or any bc nurse to contact when they came home wtf all this money  we raise and suppose to have a nurse for every women that has /had breast cancer I'm shocked at how many of these women have no help or know how to get help. Can anyone tell me why this is happening .



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Bloody good question. I believe access to a breast care nurse is something the BCNA is focussing on at the moment. Correct @Marianne_BCNA, @Giovanna_BCNA?
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I went private through St Andrews in Adelaide.  There are breast care nurses there and one of them contacted me a few days after each surgery but that's the last I heard of them.  I never even realised that they would be available to me down the track should I need them...I think.  As you can tell, no relationship developed and they are not even on my radar should I need help.  Perhaps I should have been more proactive but that boat's pretty much sailed.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    There are more BC nurses available in the public system than the private in Qld.  
     I agree this should not be the case and I know one of our BC nurses  is lobbying with a local support group to try and get more availability for private patients

    This could vary location to location I would imagine as to how many nurses are available and like everything it's going to depend on the actual people doing the job as to how things roll.  If you need to contact a BC nurse you can find their names numbers and locations on the McGrath website or the hospital should be able to put you in touch as well.

  • Cowgirl1
    Cowgirl1 Member Posts: 66
    I am going to see my McGrath nurse next week i have at least ten other women saying the same thing this is not good enough. Everyone of us needs support more after than during surgery you shouldn't have to deal with this by yourself this makes me cry, i know from my own experience and even now knowing i can call on kate and she will be there to listen and help me .
  • Cowgirl1
    Cowgirl1 Member Posts: 66
    hi sister, i also went to st andrews and had about 4 - 5 bc nurses in contact with me before and after surgery to check up on me, i was private, its never to late to find a bc nurse it has been two years and i still need a bc nurse to talk to sometimes .
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sister You can speak to a breast care nurse at any time. Mine is still available and helpful for me. If you want to I would urge you to find one. From this site we know they're not always attentive but if you find a good one, they're invaluable.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    PM ScoMo has just promised more money for McGrath breast care nurses.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    Mmm...I  will believe it when I see it. In 2018, there was ONE extra  McGrath Foundation nurse. 
  • Jen79x
    Jen79x Member Posts: 125
    I was private through Chris O’Brien lifehouse and no offer of a breast care nurse. :( 
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    When I had my surgery I saw the breast care nurse the day before I have not seen her since, 18 months ago No contact 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Good news today with goverment announcement....
    Yes the individual does have to beproactive in thefollowjng up of the availabilty of McGrath services
    All the best 
    Bright in hope
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,303
    edited January 2019
    I went private & only saw my surgeon's practise nurse (who rarely got back to any of my queries.  :(  )  

    When I came home, there isn't a breast care nurse locally - the closest is Taree & they were 'in transition' waiting for a new BC Nurse as she had resigned.

    When going thru my biopsy drama in Dec '18 - the Port Macquarie 'stand in' BC Nurse was one who let me down numerous times.

    I had a call yesterday from the ACTUAL BC nurse from Port - saying my Rad Onc hadn't been able to contact me re my results due to a wrong phone number - GOD knows how many documents BOTH my phone numbers are on  ....... HELLO!!!?

    So I have never met one face to face!

    I do not think  they are McGrath BC nurses - just those available in my rural area.  :( 
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    edited January 2019
    @brightspace. In my experience, it doesn't matter how strenuously you try to contact a McGrath Foundation nurse. I was fobbed off when I really needed to talk to someone. 

  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Perhaps there needs to be a group from bcna that coud advocate for the improvement of the service
    that there needs to be more vigilance of the accountabilty of the gov money that is used for this service 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,528
    My BC nurse was always too busy to listen to me. She constantly jumped in and finished my sentences, usually incorrectly so I would try again and she would jump in again. After the third attempt I usually gave up. Any concerns I had were always pushed aside unless I was crying, THEN I had her full attention. I now ask the chemo nurses if I have any concerns or wait until I see my Onco.