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Raelene Boyle on Julia Zemiro's Home Delivery & iView

arpie Member Posts: 8,324
Hi guys

I've just caught the 2nd half of Raelene Boyle on Julia Zemiro's Home Delivery that was on ABC tonight (and should be on iView soon, if you didn't get to see it.)

She was chatting about her Breast Cancer experience.

It's not showing yet - but should be showing here on iView in the next hour or two - or tomorrow


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    It’s a great show last week was Barrie Cassidy going home to Chiltern and heaps of earlier episodes on iview - really enjoy them.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    It is up for viewing now.   Yep, as @Romla said - some great interviews there to watch! 
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    I'm a Radio National Podcast addict. The spectrum of topics covered is enormous but to find them is also very difficult. I've listened to some fabulous breast cancer ones but can never find them again!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I caught the tail end of it as my daughters and I had been iviewing "Back in time for dinner" and having a good cackle at the 70s (of which I was an authority!..impressed one of the girls by knowing the words to "I am woman" and being able to comment on the size of the flares)  I'll have to go back and check out the rest of what Raelene had to say.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Might have to iView that myself @Sister. Sounds fun.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    @Sister ...... That 'Back in Time for Dinner' is SO funny!!!   I recognise so much of the clothes & food & decor!   LOL
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2018
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  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    hahaha @Joannie     ...... I can actually remember a wringer washer still in use - and the 'ice man' and the dunny/night soil man ......

    The first place I ever rented still had a gas 'Copper'!!  The stove/oven was an early gas 'Koala' with no temperature gauge  you just had to guess!!   LOL

    Oh dear - maybe that is where they got the whole idea for Mammograms from???  :(  

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
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  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    We had a gas copper, too.  Mum used to boil things up every now and then, even after she got the twin tub!  I have a vague memory of the wringer machine - Mum was always paranoid about it as my much older sister got her arm caught in it once, and my elderly godmother (who lived next door) always insisted that Mum had to stand on a rubber mat when using it.  So many things in the shows are familiar but there's also a lot that I've said to the kids, "we never did that/had that and neither did anyone else".  One of the things they haven't been able to replicate (and I guess it's mostly about food, after all) is the tightness of community in the suburbs in those times.  We had gates in the side and back fences, or just panels left off, so that we could go half the street through back yards.  We played in the street and on the road, and even though stranger danger was a thing, we were told if anyone bothered us, go into the nearest house as they'll look after you and know where you belong.  In this time, before mobile phones and when many families didn't even have a landline.  We walked and rode our bikes and skateboards everywhere and there were always people around.
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    edited June 2018
    If anyone really wants to see what the sixties were like then I can't recommend MadMen too highly (the first series was the best).
    The more oppressed women became, the more we accessorised ourselves. My mother would not have been seen out without hat, gloves and matching shoes and bag.
    We didn't know about the environment or political incorrectness.
    We didn't know that children could not play with plastic bags over their heads.
    We didn't know that smoking harms your baby...
    MadMen shows it all and the daughter of the main character even wore the same negligee set that I wore as a ten year old.
    It reminds me of happy times, the end of a beautiful innocent era of my life.

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I'm with Raels on the dresses thing. I hated them but I was allowed to wear shorts underneath as getting me to keep my legs down was just never going to happen lol.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    It is on again right NOW ..... ABC!