Forum Discussion

soosall's avatar
7 years ago

Treatment query

Hi folks,

I'm very new to the scene.  My elderly Mother has recently been diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer, and after a bad introduction to Chemo, has now moved onto the more specific treatment with Herceptin/ Perjeta/ Paclitaxel. She has just had her second dose and I couldn't seem to get a sense of how vulnerable she is to picking up illnesses (as she was with chemo, and ended up in hospital with awful side effects.) We have a relative coming to visit with a cold and I'm unsure as to how strictly to handle the situation? Do we isolate my mother, will it be ok with face masks or is it OK to act as per normal? Thanks in advance....  :)

  • Paclitaxol is still chemo but doesn't drop the white cell count as low so she should be okay. Just hand hygiene and no kissing if known people with colds  etc.  The herceptin and perjeta shouldn't give her issues. I also am careful at supermarkets and wipe the trolleys down with the wipes most places supply now. They may still give her the white cell booster every few weeks to be sure. I didn't need it. They expected I would but it was not an issue. Kath x
  • hi  there so sorry to hear about your mum @soosall I would keep the person with the cold as far away from your mum as possible if you can or can they come another day ?  It’s quite possible those that are with the sick relative could also be contagious without symptoms yet too. Chemo can beat the shit out of your immune system and especially for older people and the new chemo regime is slightly better in that regard. Your mum also probably has not had a flu shot either yet so that can make her more susceptible. 

    If they have to come and see you hand washing hand washing hand washing  for everyone especially after blowing their nose etc . It’s the main defence to kill any germs. Also wiping down any surfaces they touch. A mask will help but can be quite claustrophobic and uncomfortable as well. 

    She could just as easily pick something up out shopping too but I would take extra precautions for sure. Just use Common sense and you’ll be fine  Hope this helps.  Margie. Xx