General discussion

LeaF Member Posts: 13
edited April 2018 in Day to day

morning all I have just been informed that I have to have a biopsy on Friday morning  an ultrasounded guided core biopsy two breast lesions and a fine needle asoriate f a lymph node to say I am petrified is an understatement what can I expect I'm so overwhelmed at the moment cannot sleep and we have our business so trying to stay positive and happy at the same time



  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    edited April 2018
    Hi @LeaF. I have had both. Firstly the staff who do these things are extraordinary people who will do their utmost to put you at ease whilst they do their work.

    I had my core biopsy at Breast Screen - I have never felt safer in my life nor more protected.I had some sort of local anaesthetic before the core biopsy was done . I felt a little pressure but no pain -mine was lobular and deep on the breast bone above my heart.You have to be very still , the needle is guided by ultrasound by a highly skilled specialist with a team of nurses and another doctor helping out. Mine was done about 5/6 times - did I enjoy it no , did it hurt no - I was scared but felt cocooned with kindness and very safe. 

     I also had a fine needle biopsy because of an inverted nipple late last year - it stung a little going in but was not too bad.There is no anaesthetic given I guess as the needle is very fine compared to that used in the core biopsy.

    You will be ok and you will get thru the procedures.Waiting for results is stressful . Try to take someone with you for the procedures to provide moral support.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Forgot the other reason for the anaesthetic with the core biopsy is that they cut a tiny hole in the surface of your breast I guess as the needle is blunter however I repeat it was ok and did not hurt.
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited April 2018
    Hi @LeaF Firstly, welcome. You'll find lot's of friendly and useful advice here. It is a scary time. The radiologist doing the biopsies should explain it all. You will be given local anaesthetic so whilst you may feel pushing & pressure, it shouldn't be painful
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    I had core biopsys as well. To say I was scared is an understatement as I hate any medical procedures. It was fine, I was given a local and felt no pain just pressure. It's fear of the unknown. You got this.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @LeaF

    I had FNA   at the beginning as I had originally felt a lump in my lymph node. No pain and the staff were brilliant and caring.  Also had two core biopsies a week apart as the first one missed the mark.  It is a very scary thought to say the least.  The procedure is not painful, however, the loud clicking noise the needle makes nearly made me jump off the bed!  Both times. Even though they had warned me about it I couldn't help it.  I had the core biopsies done at different locations and the staff and doctors at both were fantastic.

    All the best

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited April 2018
    You can get some bruising afterwards, I did. An ice pack tucked in your bra helps.

    For my biopsy at BreastScreen there was the ultrasound operator, the doctor and a breastcare nurse in the room. The latter is there for you, and will hold your hand if needed. They know it's scary. Ask for a breastcare nurse if there isn't one there and you'd like it.

    Being positive and happy is good if it helps you (though proved to have no impact on outcomes), but it's also good to rage or have a good cry! Cathartic.

    And if you feel like you are just going to explode with stress and need someone to talk to, you can always call one of the nurses on the BCNA helpline 1800 500 258. They'll be able to answer all your questions.

    It is incredibly overwhelming at the beginning. Everyone here has been through it, and we're sending you our best wishes. Let us know how you get on. Breathe, take things an hour at a time and hang in there. K xox
  • LeaF
    LeaF Member Posts: 13

    Thankyou Ladies <3 you have summed it all up perfectly, and that's excatly how I'm feeling xxxx will be in touch with the outcome and Thankyou Thankyou,  I went and had a great chat yesterday with the Breast care nurses as I was a bit of an emotional wreck but they were fantastic x

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Perfect. You'll get through it. K xox
  • LeaF
    LeaF Member Posts: 13
    Thanks K xxxx being Positive is my motto  onwards and upwards , its just such a life changing thing ..... but as people say there are sooo many beautiful ladies going thru it was well so my love goes out to them as well .  I feel this group is going to be a godsend LOL !
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It has been for me!
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi LeaF,
    welcome to this network but so sorry you find yourself here.I’ve had both fine needle and core biopsy and honestly,the anticipation was worse than the procedure. You’ll also find ‘the waiting’ on results hard going and also having goalposts moved on you.
    My motto is’prepare for the worst but hope for the best’.
  • LeaF
    LeaF Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Ladies your the best xxxx
  • Faerygirl
    Faerygirl Member Posts: 14
    Hello darling, just thinking about you and wondering how you are? Your post touched a nerve... I remember all too well my diagnoses. I really hope things went your way today...fingers crossed! Please remember what I said, it may feel like you are teetering on the edge but there is light at the end of the tunnel... trust me!! Take care LeaF XOXO
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    How was it today LeaF?  :)