Oh honestly!

Romla Member Posts: 2,092
Its not my way to complain but here I go.Today I received an invitation to go to hiking in Nepal with BCNA. Last year I received an invitation to a BCNA event. Both very expensive items. I have read for a year now the devastation breast cancer causes in people’s lives . I realise BCNA is a not for profit and need to fundraise. But I am disturbed for our membership on this blog it does seem a little - I dunno - insensitive and out of touch with the reality many on here face. Hiking in the Himalayas may not be an option for many trying to cope with treatment or recovering from it either financially or physically.


  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Maybe Fundraising at BCNA needs to read about the Financial Information Forum mentioned above as well as the many physical struggles people discuss on this forum and trekking in Nepal may seem an odd choice.
  • ac
    ac Member Posts: 9
    HI Romla I had the same reaction when I received those emails. I know the fundraising is essential for BCNA and I definitely appreciate the work they do and happy to support in the future. But right now financially I am unable to, as now on 75% of wage, and physically the Himalayas are a little beyond me!
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    ah @Romla and @ac totally agree with you ... Maybe the mailing lists need to be composed of those who want information About BCNA and those going through treatment etc. 
    I for one 5+ years down the track do not have the finance to even remotely enable me to do any of these treks.... 

     maybe this needs to be brought up at a meeting regarding mailouts..... 

  • Marianne_BCNA
    Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
    Hi all,
    have an extremely varied membership at BCNA and as such have a wide range of
    community/fundraising activities to suit our members. The inspired adventures
    are just one part of this and are popular among our members who want a
    physical challenge to assist them with their recovery or to celebrate their

    87 per cent of our yearly income comes from fundraising initiatives so it’s events such as Inspired Adventures that allows BCNA to continue to provide the services we provide. We understand however the importance of being able to tailor our communications to our various member groups and have been working on this for some time.  The good news is, as of yesterday you can select your communication preferences. You just need to go to the home page of our website, hover over your name and then click on 'My Communication Preferences' in the drop down box. 

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @Marianne_BCNA could you possibly announce this for all to see it.. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,475
    Maybe part of the issue is not about whether we want to hear about events or not (that covers a lot of territory), it's about the relevance of the activity. I have no difficulty in understanding that many people might find sharing that experience, on top of a common bond of being diagnosed with bc or supporting someone who has, beneficial and exciting. Personally it doesn't appeal at all. So I just deleted the email. I didn't even look at the cost. As @zoffiel has said, how we choose to use our resources (big or small) is up to the individual.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Thanks @Marianne_BCNA

     I've also had what tha? moments with the ads. I guess it's nice to know people have the resources to do these things and I'm grateful for their contribution, but it's such a disconnect from most of our realities. To be honest it's just another thing I will never be able to do, so I don't really want to know about it.
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    I love reading about going hiking etc, its a goal to aim for. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I didn't mind reading about it. It's something I'd love to do but unless there's a lotto win, it's out of my reach financially at the moment. Maybe one day.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I find them both aspirational and depressing.  I love to think that one day I may be back to normal (or even super normal) and be able to do this stuff.  But I wonder if that's ever going to be a reality and financially, a holiday at a local caravan park would be out of reach at the moment.
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Hold that thought about a caravan park - bit late in the season atm down south but a congress/meeting at one with cabins/holiday cottages NOT in school holidays is not a bad thought or unachievable. A chance to mix/mingle and relax amongst friends.
  • Marianne_BCNA
    Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
    Hi @SoldierCrab, we're not quite ready to announce it as yet as we are still at the testing phase (you just got a sneak preview!). We will be doing a big email out to all our membership however once ready. In the meantime, we would be interested in feedback from those of you who changed your preferences.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I just changed mine, thanks.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    I changed mine yesterday but I am worried I wont get the things I do want to see 
  • Marianne_BCNA
    Marianne_BCNA Member Posts: 245
    @SoldierCrab, why don't you DM me what you want to see and I can check it for you