Laughter with cancer

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If you have facebook go read this inspiring story
Today, I went to a GP in my new area. I told her that I've had Ewing Sarcoma and Melanoma. Then, she told me that two weeks ago she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
She said, "I'm scared"
I would have thought it would have been easier for someone with medical background to deal with cancer diagnosis but she said it is harder because she knows what the drugs do and its side effect.
She was worried if she would not be able to do surgery anymore if she gets pins and needles in her hand.
As if I was meant to go there and lift her spirit. It breaks my heart when we started talking about her son and then she cried.
It is not easy when children is involved.
She apologized for crying and I replied, "Don't be sorry. I have cried many times."
The first two weeks after diagnosis it was surreal, you couldn't understand that it is really happening. You have been diagnosed and your chemo has been planned.
Whether you choose to accept your cancer or to be resentful about it, it is not going to change the fact that you have been diagnosed with cancer.
I know being resentful will make the situation worse because I'm putting negative energy that will multiplies my negative thoughts.
So, I choose to accept it with gratitude.
I said to myself I have to go through this to help my cancer friends.
From fear it transform to fulfilment. Rather than fueling my action with fear, I fill them with gratitude. It changes how I experience my cancer treatment. I still lose my hair, battle the disco of the bowel between diarrhoea and constipation, get grueling days of pain, but the difference is I still can smile through my bad days.
Gratitude opens the door to inner peace.
I am enough.
Everything is enough... even with cancer in my life.
Whenever someone cried in front of me, I honour them for sharing their truth with me.
To be vulnerable is to have the courage to acknowledge your fear.
You cannot let go before you know what it is you are holding on.
Don't be afraid.
Have faith that you will find the strength you never knew you had.
Love and hugs,
Nat xx
That is so true, @SoldierCrab1
While breast cancer is not something we would choose, it is a great teacher that we can use to help others.2
Yes it is @Chantellep0
Totally agree!! I can actually thank breast cancer for some incredibly awesome new friends, for a new lease on life (I'm certainly not a gunna do anymore) and for a renewed and expanded sense of appreciation. I hadn't actually realised how stagnant my life had become so now take opportunities to get out and enjoy things. Went to a concert on Sunday that had five of the bands that I grew up with and danced myself silly. Excellent!!! Love my NEW life ;-)2
I have found this to be the case too. Some side effects worried me, that I would be forced to change the way I lived. Instead, surprisingly, I chose to make more time for things I enjoyed and which made me feel good. I didn't give up much - still work, still get passionate about things. But I don't fret as much as I used to, I don't give myself the burnt chop, gym isn't when I can, it's a commitment and I am no longer too busy to take philosophy classes or to sing. As Anthony Hopkins once said, none of us are getting out of here alive. So carpe diem!