Frustration with the Breast Clinic at Westmead

Cassina Member Posts: 74
Waiting times for clinic appointments vary between 5 hours and 3 hours. Today 2 hours with a sign saying we are short of Drs, we are 1/1/2 hours behind.After 2 hours I left, the same last week. The public health system is in crisis, yes, however if they know they are going to be short staffed, how about triaging or postponing non urgent patients. Many poor women wait each week up to 4 hours for a diagnosis or Dr review.Any answers as to how the system can be improved? complaints are not always the answer.


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    More Drs I guess. They just give you a time to come if you are new and how many after breastscreen is unpredictable I guess. I just take a book and settle in. I am at the RAH but it's the same issue. My last appointment was on time. I was shocked as hadn't time to finish my cuppa I brought with me. Lol. I have no solutions. 
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  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    no,no solutions, other than if a clinic starts at 1pm, have 3 admin checking ladies in, not one! so a line of 30 is avoided, yes the staff do their best, ( hence do not want to complain) however system is in crisis! ( not treatment, that seems to run better) I am very lucky to get this at Nepean Hospital and if they run late, they actually apologise! The Crown Princess Mary Breast Institute is notouriously disorganised and many Drs and Nurses say the same. Not good enough for all those suffering! ( feel better now I  have vented!)
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    My experience is not with the BC but with my husband and his recent (and still ongoing) orthopedic issues.  When responding to a booking SMS the girl told me they book 4 people per appointment time (i.e. every 10 minutes) so it does not matter if we are late.  Um ?.
    Yes, more medicos required but that is certainly a long-term goal as not all trainees want to work in the areas they are actually needed.
    I do think if they are short-staffed they should make contact with you so you have the choice of going and waiting or making another time.
    Summer   :)
  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    thanks for the support, I only feel for others going through the trauma of being diagnosed! I know some no shows, can upset the system however by this support network maybe we can lobby for improved services, I know the system talks about a breast care nurse, I have never found one!
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Hi @Cassina

    Ask to see one (Breast Care Nurse) when you do go into the Breast Cancer clinic at Westmead.

     I go there Cassina, yes it is a horrible system .... I do feel for the staff trying to get to everyone .... it all Takes $$$
    I travel from Bathurst so 3 + hrs driving then 2.45 appointment then they are running late...... If I ever get out of there before 5.30pm it is a miracle  then I have a 3+ hour drive home.... 

    Why did I chose there? to be able to have the best Public system doctor I could. my next appt in Feb is my Last review as I will be over my 5 year time frame.... 

    I had nothing but awesome care through my surgery and immediate after care. 
    I believe it shows how much we are lacking in funds towards health. 

    It is not just BCI at Westmead that is like this .... we used to go to RNS for Botox injections for my son's cerebral palsy... appt time 1pm for everyone  if you are lucky enough to be first patient off the list going into the Dr did that help ...NO why 
    Because bloody pharmacy is closed between 1pm and 2pm for lunch, so we all see the DR  1 by 1 then line up and wait for the pharmacy to open to get our script then line up again to go back in to DR for our injections.... we would leave home at 7am and if we were lucky be home again by 10pm .... so it is not just Westmead. 
  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    No I maybe not just Westmead but the BCI is notoriously disorganised. Yes the Drs are good, however there is feedback from other places who say they do not put up with this!  and not each time, if there is an emergency no one minds waiting, however this is not the case.Shame you did not go through Nepean as they seem to function better, probably smaller. The breast care nurses are also extemely busy  and  not available , 
    The notes are still in paper form, most other hospitals now are on Cerner, they do not talk to the treating team at Nepean and have no idea what treatment you are having.... so much for the MDT. I work in health and have not seen this as bad.
    Running a little late is fine, running 5 hours is not! 
    Cancer patients do not complain and are happy to be treated.We are a patient lot! On top of all this, several women had to pay $19 for parking.
  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    Just to add, the answer if probably private and you can see excellent surgeons, probably the same ones, however you go there because you hope to get the whole Multidisciplinary team, thats the reason I was so suprised they do not communicate with each other. And yes the final straw is the long trip home. More regional services needed also. Lets lobby the Politicians!
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  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Cassina surgery was Bci westmead then initally oncologist at nepean, chemo was  Daffodil cottage Bathurst then we got 2 oncologists so I didnt have to travel to Nepean, then 6 weeks of going on radiation bus back n forth daily to Orange.....
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Pity a bunch of you can't get together and each bill them for the time spent waiting. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Cassina, I had my surgery last June at Auburn and Jane the Breast Care Nurse was absolutely brilliant, she is attached to Westmead but has to cover other areas. If you can get in touch with her she won't be able to solve the waiting issues but is one of the best nurses I have ever come across. Wishing you all the best. Xx Cath
  • Cassina
    Cassina Member Posts: 74
    Thanks Socoda, I have another avenue as it is not a Nursing issue more of a system issue. I have raised it with the CEO, and highlighted the issue, not that he will be able to do anything but Management at that level have noted my concerns. Individually all the staff are working hard, so not really a complaint, Today I attended Nepean again and was so impressed with their care and professionalism! They all just laugh when you mention the BCI and its disorganisation! My faith is restored in the treatment at Nepean and feeling the support from you guys, thanks ( they even have a Christmas tree decorated by the staff) no such thing at BCI