Friday update 8 December 2017

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
edited December 2017 in Community news and events


Hello and welcome everyone to our Friday


How fast have the last two weeks gone
by!  I cannot believe we are 2 weeks away
from Christmas!

This is the first year that I’m
hosting Christmas lunch at my place for 13 people (it could also be the last
depending on my cooking especially the turkey!).  Feeling a little bit organized, I have
started some Christmas shopping and have made a start on writing some Christmas
cards.  I do love receiving a hand
written card!  

We have had some great discussion
in the online space regarding Christmas. 
Keep up the posts, we are keen to hear what you have found helpful at
Christmas time and any tips that may help others manage this busy and sometimes
challenging time of the year.  Our
communications team are using some of the posts in their end of year
communications to our members over the next few weeks. We will also compile
them together in a post in the lead up to Christmas.

We have had 40 new members join our
online community in the last two weeks.  I
have listed the usernames below and extend a very warm welcome to all of you.

@Caddy123, @Chocolate70, @buster,@Lea-AnneD,
@Chea, @jennyss, @RoslynT, @rosetilly, @SandraP, @Bowie2015, @Lyndatest,
@Hello5678, @MariethaVR, @Simone29F, @jgameau, @GratefulGranny, @Annski,
@sickgirl, @NicA, @Leonoreok, @Manuka, @Shazza.o, @Romaroma, @Fi_Good,
@Mermaid, @OctaviaB, Shannadoo, @DLS, @finisterre, @Fantastic4, @Lillipop,
@Alouisie, @Maggienbub, @Valentine, @Sister, @Memegran7@Koukla, @Jobeth, @James
UV, @E100245

Community highlights

Every week we have so much variety in
the posts being shared on the online network.  These can include questions
about treatments, updates on how things are going, and celebrating milestones.
Here are some popular conversations you might have missed:

So unsure

(whats your experience)


on channel 10 news regarding wait time in Qld for recon surgery



In the news….

Work & breast cancer group 

Thank you to all our members who posted
comments in the Work & breast cancer group. 
We are keen to keep this discussion going and are keen to hear of your
experiences; the good and not so good.



of you would know Ann-Marie who was the Coordinator of the online network at
BCNA over the last few years.  Unfortunately
for us, Ann-Marie is leaving us at BCNA. 
We are very sad to see her go and wish her all the very best in her
future ventures.  I wanted to take this
opportunity to thank Ann-Marie for all her amazing work within the online
community, I know that she will miss you all. 
Her amazing energy, warmth and compassion was evident in her work within
our community. 

Hoping the weekend ahead for everyone is a relaxing one…

touch base again in two weeks’ time (that will be 3 days til Christmas!)

care everyone



  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    So sad to hear that Anne- Marie is leaving. I was very happy to meet her at the Newcastle Forum.  She really brighten up your day ! 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    It is sad that Ann-Marie is leaving us - here's wishing her well with her future endeavours!