Beachmere Fundraiser Questions/Suggestions/Complaints for Local MP Susan Lamb

onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
edited October 2017 in Community news and events
  • Hi there everyone, as you know I have my first fundraiser next Tuesday and my local federal member will be there from 9.30 to 10.30 so I am in the middle of drafting up a list of questions, suggestions, and complaints to give to her on the day and would appreciate any input you guys might have to add to it. This is an awesome opportunity to speak face to face with a federal politician and have her take our ides to Canberra.  I will dot point for simplicity and feel free to add anything ive missed... I'm surfe the chemo brain will kick in whilst I'm typing!  and I will copy and paste it into the document for her. I am dot pointing in summary and will elaborate more in the final document
  • Easier Access to some superannuation for anyone diagnosed with a life threatening illness or condition both terminal and treatable and to be able to access to at least pay the mortgage/bills whilst not being able to work without having to have the threat of the bank taking your home first or having to use every last cent of saving before access is allowed. And access for out of pocket medical expenses if people decide to use the private system, at present if you can be treated publically then no access allowed for private out of pocket expenses
  • Access to a Centrelink benefit for example a temporary DSP or interest free loan to help support whilst having treatment without the bullshit thresholds (not even the minimum wage currently) and red tape. Even if this has to be repaid once well and working again but also to be continued if required due to side effects from treatment without penalty. Students and apprentice's have the privilege of loans/payments and we've paid tax our whole working lives so why not us?
  • No up front cost for prosthetics and having to wait weeks for the Medicare rebate to be refunded
  • Access to free long term allied health professionals - not just the lousy 5 allowed per year through care plans and enhance primary care referrals to increase mobility and improve quality of life post treatment. So many cant afford to continue with physio etc due to financial constraints or access  is limited especially in regional areas. Also increase to the current mental health EPC visits (currently 10 per year - that's only one visit funded every 5 or so weeks) so emotional support can be more regular and beneficial 
  • Better support from Centrelink to complete forms and discuss options with people to help reduce the current wait time and time on hold and reduced the time processing applications. 
Ill add to this as I think of stuff but please feel free to add anything you think is relevevant. I'm having a brain fart now so need to take a break!! Margie xx 


  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    Your Federal member wont know whats hit them, fantastic initiative,and to get a politician there amazing, 
    I could throw in that there are drugs available that would give a better quality of life for cancer patients BUT cost $5000 per month because they are not on the PBS {Palbociclib/Ribociclib} but just getting one of your ideas put in place would be simply fantastic - 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,808
    I agree - I think the main issue is the cost of drugs - more push to get drugs on the PBS.  Some women are spending their superannuation on drugs............
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Ok awesome I’ll add that too I forgot about that. Will add the prolia injections to the drugs you have mentioned as well as I know @melclarity has mentioned that one before too. Good job ladies. Xxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @onemargie yes thanks add PROLIA what a load of BS!!!! I meet the criteria right down to reduced disc height..hellloooo how much more precise can it get plus osteoporosis only thing is im not 70! RIDICULOUS! also my hormone tablets costs around $42 a month, thats alot! 
    • Access to a Centrelink benefit for example a temporary DSP or interest free loan to help support whilst having treatment without the bullshit thresholds (not even the minimum wage currently) and red tape. Even if this has to be repaid once well and working again but also to be continued if required due to side effects from treatment without penalty. Students and apprentice's have the privilege of loans/payments and we've paid tax our whole working lives so why not us?
    Just wanted to say in relation to this, I actually think it should not be a loan at all, but a limited government payment such as sickness allowance without the red tape and having to jump threw hoops to get it. Most importantly not taxed, as it reduces the amount you get plus you end up owing at tax time. I owe $1200 to the ATO because income protection didnt tax the initial lump sum. Stupid isn't it? defeats the whole purpose of getting financial assistance! 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    thanks @melclarity good point ill put that all your info in the letter.  If i win the lotto this weekend ill be paying more than your tax bill lovey!!  fingers crossed! Margie. xx 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Letter to Susan lamb coomplete and ready for her feed back on Tuesday. Watch this space ladies !!!  Also check out my post about my super too I’m good to bring this up with her as well.  Margie xx 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Bloody hell im going to I meant 

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    BLOODY AWESOME,Margie, it takes a lot of work to put something like this in place, lets hope that the community rallies round and supports you, and our cause, someone once said" AFTER ALL IS SAID AND DONE, MORE IS SAID THAN DONE", you have just proved that wrong,

  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hi @onemargie,

    Fantastic, well done to you and your colleagues!
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Great work, Margie! Looks fantastic.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Top effort Margie!!! Xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Looks like I’m going to raise close to $1000! Watch this space
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Looks like I’m going to raise close to $1000! Watch this space! that’s Susan lamb federal member for Longman on the left the lady on the far right is Wendy from Be Uplifted the charity I supported and the lady in pink is my friend Annette who helped organise the day with Sharon from the bakery in beachmere where it was held. I even put pink ribbons in my pigtails lol
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    It was awesome to make the ladies there aware of the real facts about bc and how it effects you personally emotionally physically financially etc. majority were unaware of a lot of info so to bring that knowledge and awareness to my community if in only a small way and it saves just one life then it’s worth it xx