Bilateral mastectomy booked in for Friday

Member Posts: 80 ✭
Okay so now Im scared. Dr's said I only need rads to lumpectomy spot but I decided to go for chop in both sides. Stage 2a ER pos and on Toxifin. Im doing this to try and give me better odds and peace of mind but now Im getting worried. Im having reconstruction at same time, expanders put in. Also choosing to remove nipples. Any advice or suggestions from anyone please.
Hey @Shorelle. Good luck for Friday. It's stressful, but its doable. The best advice I can give is do what you are told and don't get too involved with getting back to 'normal'. Time to heal is so terribly important, and you only get one chance at that critical post op period. Put your feet up, nurse your chest and take it easy for a couple of weeks. I didn't and still regret it. Marg. Xxx1
Hi there lovey. I had my left boob off. The surgeon said if I had a lumpectomy I’d need chemo and rads but i decided to take it off and only have the chemo. My boobs were little and I would of been left with this awful looking thing too so glad I did. Took the other one off 6 months later as a prophylaxis. Was Told I didn’t have too but I chose to do it and don’t regret it. At the time I just wanted them gone and didn’t think too much about the recon as I didn’t know what my prognosis was but wish I’d had the immediate recon done sometimes Just would of meant less surgery later on. I’d read too many stories about bc coming back in the same side or the other side and am happy with my decision also meant no more mammograms. There are ladies on here who have preserved the other boob or just done the rads and you will know what’s best for you as they all have made their own decisions too as to what’s best for them so you will get plenty of different opinions which is good. My breast cancer was stage 2a triple negative grade 3 no lymph nodes involved and all scans clear. If you take them off and get a new set and it means no radiation either then I’d be happy with that decision. You can get on with life quicker then too. Post surgery it wasn’t painful for me you just need to make sure you rest. Hope this helps. Margie. Xx
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@shorelle, it is such a scarey thing to have to decide, isn't it? And then wondering if you have done the right thing.
I went through months with a psychologist trying to work out whether to take the other breast off when only one was apparently affected. I decided not to, but really the pros and cons were pretty even. I still hope I will not regret leaving it on.
The mastectomy was okay. More painful where the lymphnodes were removed than the actual mastectomy scar.
The drains in the mastectomy scar came out in 3 days, it was the Lymphnode ones that were more painful and took longer to come out, so if you don't need them, it will be much easier.
I did need a lymphodema physiotherapist to work on cording after the operation, but it wasn't too bad and the laser was lovely, relaxing and worked first time. She helped to stretch the mastectomy area so it didn't feel like concrete and was much more comfortable.
It was confronting at first to look in the mirror and treat the scars with creams, and I ended in tears many nights, but as everyone said, I got used to it, and it isn't an issue now. ( the radiation burns are another story)
I do get frustrated with finding bras for prosthesis, but you might decide you are happy with going flat and that will not be an issue, otherwise, find a fitter who you are happy with and can offer you a good range, it makes it easier. I found a lovely lady that comes to the house with bags of prosthesis and masses of bras and it was a fun time trying on. Looking at the range in DJs and Myers made me tight with pent up rage!
There is another post in recent discussions about bras with links to other ladies in other states who are good.
The actual surgery day was okay, everyone was very supportive, kind and compassionate. I took the time in hospital to recover and just enjoy having food brought to me, and the time to read and relax. I had had chemo for 5 months prior, so I just relaxed.
The breast care nurse visited, as did the physio.
I came out with a PCA but used it once,then asked for it to be removed. Panadol regularly was enough to get me through the recovery period.
Showering with a drain in is confronting, take it slowly, you will probably have two.
Most of all, take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and just follow the instructions you will get for recovery, you will be fine.
Jennie1 -
Thanks everyone for your advise. As strange as this sounds I either had a premonition that I was going to get BC or I gave it to myself through visualising it. Ever since I was early 20 I had drs check me. No family history. Unfortunately too the dr missed it in March and it grew so by May It was stage 2a grade 3. It grew fast between March from a pea to May 2.4cm. Anyway as part of this whole premonition I always though I was going to die young (44 now , 3 small children). But Im hoping that thr die young bit was just an assumption due to the BC outcome). So now that the BC came true Im obviously doing everything possible to save myself. Hoping I got it soon enough etc. I constantly stress about my cystic boobs and lumps and bumps and know that if they are gone I can stress less about them. Its probably a dramatic step doing according to my Onc but my Breast Surgeon (woman) said she agrees and sees it all too often a new BC pops up. My plastic surgeon is hesitant about reconstruction because every time he sees me I cry. He think Im not ready but If Im having the chop I will geel better with having a full chest than a flat one and I will get a tattoo for nipple (never wanted a tattoo before ). This is a bit of insite into why Im so frantic all the time. As it seems unlikely I had a premonition (Im not a witch) and I possibly gave thus to myself I need to not give myself mets... and do you know apart from this I am the strongest most positive person, never suffered anxiety or deprssion. . Thanks for everyones stories, they really help. I just need to get over this chesty cough ( whole family had but mine is lingering) so I can stop fearing mets.
As far as op goes Im worried about going under (not waking up) and worried about the outcome ( I suppose all normal fears). I havent even told my girls yet Im going in for this op yet. I will tell them about Tuesday and I better record the messages in their teddy bears before I go.0 -
Your pain in hospital should be managed well. My biggest issue was nausea post op fir a couple of days.
Be prepared your arms are incredibly weak to start with. I had trouble opening doors initially and couldn't lift a water jug. So make sure you get your cups filled up.
Ensure all bed controls and buzzers are below head height as you can't raise your arms above shoulder height; you can't pull yourself up in bed or push yourself up the bed. It really does feel like a turtle on its back.
So flat bed and log rolling..legs over side and that will then help you up.
Drain bags are a godsend for mobility. You will most likely have 4 drains.
I wore cotton based bike pants and big stretchy tops and did away with basically dealing with weak arms and drains was enough drama.
I wore flat rubber based walk shoes that velcro closed (like cc resort brand) great grippers and if you need someone to help you dress initially they are easy to get on.
Constipation is a real issue due to get onto apperients coloxyl with senna and lots of fluid.
I was told I'd be in one ridiculous. I honestly think they forgot what surgery I was having. I went home day 4. I hurt my back getting out of bed and ended up with terrible spasms. So if you have issues like that...have some sort of back support ready. When I went back for changeover I had it...but didnt need it. The immobility in bed due to nausea and being on my back made it stiff and caused the issue.
Lots of pillows important. Flat ones , fat ones and zonta pillows. Getting sleep is important and getting comfy is challenging. So have these ready for home.
Recovery takes time. Have regular pain relief. Rest and don't be surprised if terribly uncomfortable for at least 6 weeks. I found hugging a flat pillow when in a chair helped. As well as changing bras...swapping between post op and aah bras which have differing supports and pressure. My surgeon expected me to wear a bra 24/7 for at least 3 weeks.
Do your post op exercises religiously to get strength back and in time frames recommended. I also found after fully healed I did walking in water and did my arm exercises in water which gave me strength back quickly. My physio said no weights until after 10 weeks.
Everyone feels nervous and second guesses decisions made. Remember you considered this carefully, you looked at options and consulted appropriately. I miss my breasts, always will. But regret my decision...nope. it was the right one for me. I'm sure you will feel the same.
Kath x1 -
Hiya Shorelle, I'm 5 weeks out from a single masectomy and diep reconstruction and am so glad that I did, you wake up with a boob,(different yes) but it needs looking after and you start to become attached, but I think what's been best for me is I go out and wear the clothes I normally wear and the only thing I consider is colour as my compression bra is black. I wish you all the best for the operation and you will be fine they will take very good care of you, sending heaps of hugs Jenny662