A big thank you to mum2jj

Cosette Member Posts: 612

This week, @mum2jj unlocked the 2500 Comments badge. She joined the online network when it opened in May 2010 and is the first member to have made 2500 comments.

I reached out to her to thank her and to ask if I could embarrass her a little by publicly acknowledging her and thanking her for giving so much to this community. I also asked her to share her story with us. Here's what she had to say.
Hi, my name is Paula. I work part-time as a nurse. Like many of you I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and I have had breast cancer (twice).

I was first diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in September 2009, two days before my 47th birthday. Like many of us, I was lucky enough to receive the My journey Kit and Berlei Bra. In those days, there was no online network. I pretty much went through my treatment without connecting with anyone who had breast cancer. I wasn't really the type to attend support groups. 

When I was re-diagnosed, I got a message from BCNA that they had an online network. I joined, but in the midst of more surgery and treatment, I couldn't figure out how it worked. Again, I just muddled through my treatment without contact with those who understood what I was going through. 

It wasn't until 2012 when I decided on reconstruction that I finally started to use the network. What I found then was such a wonderful community supporting one another every day in all things breast cancer. I was full of regret that I hadn't found and utilised this community earlier. I jumped right in not only trying to find support for my eventual breast reconstruction, but offering support where I could. Something I try to do as often as I can now. 

When @LouiseTurner contacted me and asked me if I thought a group where ladies could share their reconstruction photos and stories was a good idea, I said YES! The original breast reconstruction online group (now called choosing breast reconstruction) started in August 2013 and I was a  regular contributor. Like the main BCNA online forum, it was a great place to find information and support from others going through what I was. As the group grew, Louise invited me to be a group leader, a role I have undertaken since March 2014.  Louse eventually went on and the founded Reclaim Your Curves charity of which I am part of their team. I am also one of the admins of their Facebook page. 

Between my family life, paid job and being a group leader of two groups, life is busy. However the rewards I get out of helping ladies after their diagnosis or when they are trying to sort through the minefield of information about upcoming surgery, is amazing. Whilst being mindful never to offer medical advise, it is incredibly satisfying to support someone. It's great to be able to help them find credible information or to connect with another member who has been through what they have. Myself and the other group leaders make sure no member's post goes unanswered and that we welcome all new members. We have collected all our old photo stories and store them in one place. I spend time adding to this as we get new stories to make it easy for new members to get a realistic idea about what can be achieved. 

I do try and get out into the main forum as much as I can when time permits. Many ladies who are diagnosed are hungry to connect with others who can relate. Often ladies who join aren't computer savvy and don't do Facebook. Once they figure out how to use the network, it is so great to see them use it and encourage others who come behind them. The good thing about the online network is it never shuts down. There is usually someone around to help someone who is feeling lost. You can tell just by the responses how much members appreciate it. 

I am a little surprised and maybe a bit embarrassed to have reached 2500 comments. It's something I just jump on and do when I can, often just a few words. However knowing this is helping someone makes me feel great. 

Thank you, Paula, for all the contributions you've made to this community over the years.



  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Thanks Paula @mum2jj. And it was fabulous meeting you in person. 
  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    What a great milestone for a very special person. Paula was one of the first welcoming voices for me on this network and I am fortunate to now count her among my friends, though we've never met in person. Good on you Paula, you are one of the most caring and inspirational people I've ever come across. Keep up the fantastic work xx
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    Thanks for your posts. I have been reading the on line network for a year and five months. It is reassuring connecting to peope who have travelled this road. The sad,the glad and the bad posts make this journey so much easier
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Thanks Paula like primek said was awesome to meet you in person at Summit, you do a great job and I want to encourage you that 2500 posts is just the beginning as we reach out to all those who join the online forum and we respond to them with an understanding you only get after going through the roller coaster called BC. so to @mum2jj
    Thank you  <3
  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    Hey @mum2jj this recognition is so well deserved. You are a bit of a star with the support you give others, but gees, 2500!! That's a lot of chatting. Thanks for accepting the invitation to facilitate in BROG waaaaay back at the start and for everything you do everyday for women. But you play it down and we could not do RYC without you. I know how much is going on in the background and even how embarrassing this recognition is for you :blush: But unfortunately others think you're awesome too, so enjoy.

    Love you hun xxxx Louie

  • LibbyB
    LibbyB Member Posts: 52
    Congrats Paula! @mum2jj you do an amazing job helping people in their breast cancer journey!! Glad to see you have been recognised ⭐️⭐️
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Paula, Congratulations!!! What a fabulous milestone and contribution that you have made. I could resonate with your story, as I too only connected on the Forum after my 2nd diagnosis/recurrence and working towards reconstruction. I have found it also invaluable the support here, so many amazing courageous ladies sharing their experiences but most of all their time and understanding. I certainly hope I too can contribute in the ways in which you do to BCNA. 

    Biggest Hugs to you beautiful lady!! Melinda xo
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    Thx so much @mum2jj Paula - I have very much appreciated and benefited from your support. I hope I can help along the way as well. Nikki x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Thankyou Paula. Reconstructions look pretty scary on google so it's great there is a special group on this forum with a more balanced information section.
  • Chorsell
    Chorsell Member Posts: 462
    Hey @mum2jj what an awesome achievement - I am so impressed with how you manage to do it all - it is so great to have you on the team and work with you - 

    even though we have only met face to face twice I feel honored to call you my friend and am so glad you are in my life even if it is mainly virtual.

    keep up the great work - there are so many people who benefit from your wise words.

    love ya guts 

    big hugs

  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Congratulations thanks x
  • Butterfly 40
    Butterfly 40 Member Posts: 150
    Congratulations and thank you for your amazing support, Paula! 
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    Oh so now I really am embarrassed!! I thought  @Cosette_BCNA was only going to put a little snippet on.  Thanks @Cosette_BCNA ;) Thank you all so much for your kind words.  That's what makes this such a special place, many many women all helping and supporting one another as we go through this together.  I know there are many of  you who do just what I do every day. You are all incredible and give so much of yourselves every day.

    A big special thanks to @LouiseTurner who encouraged me to put myself out there all those years ago. Of course all the lovely choosing breast recon leaders and RYC girls @Chorsell , @Jane221& @alexinbrisbane .  To @melclarity thanks for coming on board and helping keep an eye on things for me when I can't get online.  Happy Easter all.
    Paula xxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @mum2jj Paula, THANK YOU and it's been an absolute pleasure helping out :) Have a wonderful Easter xxx