Friday Update

Member Posts: 1,113 ✭

Please welcome @Pot of Gold, @maggie101, @Widdy1, @renee73, @scientist, @Samanthap, @Melissag, @Elainep, @Maxwell, @Annabelle, @karalou71, @Jarnzy, @GillyMay11, @Padley. @Annac00 and all our new members to the online network.
Community highlights
I wanted to highlight this weeks conversations about important issues you may face when diagnosed with cancer. These topics tend to not get a lot of attention - Here are some conversations from our new members that you may have missed -- @Padley - Newish diagnosis
- @Dizi - Mastectomy/ reconstruction for me now, it looks
- @Sheryn - Newly diagnosed

Have you seen the BCNA pink lady out and about in the community?
News & events

research has shown in
2017, an estimated 17,730 Australians – 17,586 women and 144 men – will
be diagnosed with breast cancer. Our work and your support is more important than ever.

Getting your head around cancer join Professor Nick Hulbert -Williams and Dr Lisa Beatty at the Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer.
Member Survey aims to identify the needs and issues people face when
diagnosed with breast cancer. It will also help identify gaps in
treatment options and support across Australia. The
Member Survey was made possible through funding by Sussan, and BCNA has
eight $100 Sussan gift vouchers to be won. Complete the survey for your chance to win.
Scalp cooling caps prevent hair loss for cancer patients, study shows.
Breast cancer survivors modeled lingerie in a charity show
for New York Fashion Week to raise money & awareness.
Sending some Friday love out to everyone x
Have a great weekend!
Welcome to all the newbies. A breast cancer diagnosis or even the fear of perhaps an impending one is terrifying to say the least. Please use this forum to post your questions or even have a darn good rant about the injustice of it all. We're all here for you.2