Advanced breast cancer patient day - North Sydney, 2 Dec 2016

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Hi I'm new to the online network so not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here goes!
The support group I'm a member of at the Mater told us about this event for patients with advanced breast cancer on 2 Dec 2016 in North Sydney. It is being run by the Centre for Community-Driven Research. You have to register via Eventbrite.
The event is in two parts, the first a patient info session and the second they will provide an overview of their reserach intothe experiences of patients with advanced breast cancer in the Australian healthcare system, and their expectations for future treatment and care. You can register for both sessiosn or only the second part.
Patient info session and overview of research/afternoon tea (12-4pm):
Overveiw of research/afternoon tea ONLY (3-4pm):
The support group I'm a member of at the Mater told us about this event for patients with advanced breast cancer on 2 Dec 2016 in North Sydney. It is being run by the Centre for Community-Driven Research. You have to register via Eventbrite.
The event is in two parts, the first a patient info session and the second they will provide an overview of their reserach intothe experiences of patients with advanced breast cancer in the Australian healthcare system, and their expectations for future treatment and care. You can register for both sessiosn or only the second part.
Patient info session and overview of research/afternoon tea (12-4pm):
Overveiw of research/afternoon tea ONLY (3-4pm):