Calling All Network Members - when is your birthday?

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Just thought I'd post and see who would like to send me their birthday date so I can post Hooray's on the appropriate day!! It's nice to share something so happy

What a lovely idea socoda! Mine is July 11. Jane
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wonderful!!! mine is october 25th not too far away,I was 60 last year and spent the day in bed,I was not in a good place so this year willbe a lot better,how very kind of you to do this for everyone,
wendy 552 -
And yours is?3
6th July thanks Iserbrown for taking this up3
27th September. Kath x3
Mine is Tuesday! I am just about to start making my special rocky road icecream in preparation (as soon as I get off the computer)
I just hope I don't eat it all before then
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What a great idea - mine was acknowledged last week and it was so thoughtful:)4
Thanks ladies - everyone's so far has been noted!! Although @Cosette_BCNA I see you didn't supply yours???
- mine is the 21st June (thank you for asking
) @Iserbrown I have to say I just love your shoe!!!! - Makes me happy every time I see it. @Mira I have your's noted Yayyyyyyy!!!!! I just made two full trays of my adapted rocky road (Thursday night) for one of my co-workers as she was leaving to move to Coffs Harbour and then forgot and proceeded to go into work yesterday and left the trays in the fridge
- oh well everyone at work will just have to enjoy it on Monday (with a little less as I had to do some quality control testing, bwahahaha!!!)
And for the belated birthday girl - as we have just missed yours - @primek
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KATH!!! Many belated birthday wishes Xx
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Rocky road rocks!!! I hope yours makes it into work socoda .. maybe some more quality control testing is called for? Happy belated birthday Kath, I hope you had a great day3
Thanks. I felt very grateful to reach my 52nd year after the last 10 months I had. Bought myself a new handbag...and a new celebrate living10
Woohoo!!!!! Kath what a fantastic birthday!! - Firstly that you are here, and then I think birthday's are so very special particularly after diagnosis and the uncertainty that goes with it - definitely something to celebrate. A new handbag and a new car to celebrate living is so very awesome!! In fact there is no better reason3