Bug tracking

Cosette Member Posts: 612
edited February 2017 in General discussion
Hi everyone. You've all just jumped in and are taking to this new forum like fish to water. Thank you for all the great feedback and also for reporting issues. We thought we'd keep you in loop on the known issues and how we're progressing. This post will be updated regularly.

Platform issues
  • Links aren't underlined. So, it's not clear when a word or phrase is hyperlinked.
  • Everything, and we do mean everything, was carried over from the old online network, including spam, duplicate messages, and deleted messages. So, your inbox has all your old messages. If you've been around for a while and have accumulated a lot of messages, that's not great.
  • System notifications and deleted messages from first version of the online network, prior to March 2015, are still in the inbox. These will be deleted soon.
  • A bug in the Activity feed returns an error and causes duplicate posts.
  • Some members are still receiving the old daily notification digests.
  • And the biggest problem we have at the moment is that the online network isn't speaking to the website. So, creating an account there doesn't create an account here, and vice versa. 
  • Group members are not able to see their group posts in the search results.
  • The order of the messages in the inbox is not correct for some people.
  • Images posted before September 2016 may not be displaying. 
Design issues
  • The size of quotes is a bit too big.
  • The alignment of the join button in groups is a little off.
  • The alignment of tags is a little off.
  • The magnifying glass in the search bar is not visible unless you hover your mouse over it.
  • The RSVP letters in the RSVP button on Events is not visible unless you hover your mouse over it.
There are some other issues affecting individual members and we're working on that too. 

Thanks for hanging in there, everyone!

Feel free to post below about any bugs or design issues that you notice.


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Hi Cosette - is there something wrong with the time clock on here - I put a comment earlier which was afternoon and the time stamp is a.m.

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    I hadn't noticed it @iserbrown. Thanks for raising it. We'll check it out.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Hi Cosette - it is when I open the site and I am not logged in.  Once I sign in the date stamp is correct - does that help?
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Yes, thanks, @iserbrown. The more information we can collect, the better.
  • jd48
    jd48 Member Posts: 484
    Any chance on ketting us know when inboxes will be fixed?
    It is not just the order that is terrible and out of whack but every single message ever deleted is in the inbox - 5 to 6 months on...

    Also I am finding that when I click on 'here' in those messages inctead of being taken to the said post / thread I receive an error message.

    I get U may be aware of these issues but pls give us a bit of info on where U R at in terms of addressing them as site as is now especially with the message problem / inbox being unusable makes it impossible for one to participate at all
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Post to add list item that members can't see the Recommend option.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Hi Cosette - I would say that the staff are probably always logged on and wouldn't notice this bug.  For me this morning I have opened up the page prior to logging on and noticed that the time stamp is out of kilter, copy and paste from the first discussion, "Returning to Work" 

    279 views 24 comments 0 points Most recent by Nadi 6:30PM

    once logged in it actually reads 4.30am

    Hope that helps

    Keep up the good work
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612

    jd48 said:

    Any chance on ketting us know when inboxes will be fixed?
    It is not just the order that is terrible and out of whack but every single message ever deleted is in the inbox - 5 to 6 months on...

    Also I am finding that when I click on 'here' in those messages inctead of being taken to the said post / thread I receive an error message.

    I get U may be aware of these issues but pls give us a bit of info on where U R at in terms of addressing them as site as is now especially with the message problem / inbox being unusable makes it impossible for one to participate at all

    I'm sorry to hear that the problem with the messages is making it difficult for you to participate in the online network. We do consider it a high priority item and our developers are onto it. We're hoping to have it resolved within a few weeks.
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi everyone. We're experiencing an issue that is preventing some images from displaying. This affects images that were posted when the online network was on its previous platforms. They're not lost or deleted; they're just not displaying. Our developers are on it and we hope to have it resolved soon.

    CC: @BRFacilitator
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Thanks for the update Cosette.