Hi everyone.
I'm just after some advice.
My wife was diagnosed with stage 3 BC early last year. She had surgery, chemo and radiotherapy. It was a tumultuous year for the whole family. She is now on the aromatase inhibitor drugs, which have their own unique side affects.
Since then, life has returned to normal and she is back at work. However, the uptake of alcohol has gone through the roof. White wine and champagne seem to be the favourites. I have been told that two standard drinks per week is the limit, to avoid increasing the chance of a recurrence. I would estimate that 10 times that amount gets consumed in a week, possibly more. I realise this is a form of 'self medication', but the possible harm being done is causing the rest of the family great concern.
I've tried discussing the issue, but the conversation gets shut down fairly quickly. Where to from here? Does anyone know of a good councillor in the Perth area, who specialises in this area? Something needs to change, otherwise I feel all the hard work last year, will be for nothing.
Thanks in advance.