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Scared_Mum's avatar
9 years ago

Yah chemo is done

Im so proud of her she made it through yah! quite a few up and downs ( mum too ) as expected but Taxol is done like a dinner, it was slightly easier on both of us  than AC,  now we prepare for radiation we went and spoke to the radiation Doc and it sounds easy she said those that have been through chemo tolerate it better than those who haven't eg: the tiredness it is similar to chemo ok we/she can deal with that

Guess what I got told today I dont know why you are tired and grumpy it wasn't you going through it uggg I could have punched them in the face but smiled and said no I'm a single mum with a daughter fighting breast cancer and still having to look after my other kids well being and their stress at their sister being crook after chemo and being a cow/princess at times (mm yep they love her they do hahaha)   no Im not sure why I'm tired uuggg some people lol 

  • Hi Scared Mum, im a daughter going through chemo and my mum has been my biggest support person through this hole ordeal. I have realisef in the last few days the effect this is having on here as im her baby. So going forward im going to try really hard and not be so hard and grumpy with her. I have had her in tears.3 days this week not something im proud of. So for the rest of my treatment i will try to count to 10 before i react.


  • Congratulations to your daughter on finishing the chemo. I was only thinking the other day that I am glad it is me with the breast cancer & not my daughter as I do not think I would have been able to handle it, I can only think the person who said why are you tired & grumpy must not have a child, as I can imagine the sleepless nights & the worrying you must have. I am due my 2nd cycle of AC this Tuesday with 2 more to go before starting 3 months of Taxol.

    Wishing you both well.

    Eileen xx

  • Must be one of those emotional and physical hands free Mums to make a comment like that. So glad the chemo part is over for you and your daughter (and glad to hear once again the taxol is easier as I start that in 3 weeks). Don't  forget to be kind to you too. Do something nice for yourself as well, the carer needs caring too. As much as I miss my Mum I am so glad she is not around now to see me go through this, it would break her heart. Hard enough on my siblings. Your daughter is fortunate to have you right there as her rock. Take care. Kath x

  • Sue, that is such great news!! I was only thinking the other day that we hadn't had an update from you for a while and I was wondering how Nat was doing. Congratulations to the both of you and to your other kids as well. This disease unfortunately touches the whole family. No doubt all of you will be stronger for having gone through this. I have just finished radiation this week and for me it was definitely easier than chemo. I hope it's the same for Nat.

    All the best and congrats again, Nadine

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Hey Mum, you not scared no more. It's always a good feeling to get that last chemo done. Make sure that you give yourself the cuddle I'm sending your way, and just remember that people can only make you feel bad if you give them permission to. You're a super mum, Trace ????????????

  • Hi Michelle,

    It is very worrying as a parent watching your baby go through this :'( all we want to do is help and take it away from you and wish on ourselves which I understand now it can get very annoying (cant win lol)

    So I have even had take things she has said to me with a few very large glasses of wine (and a vent on here ) so I dont bite her head off. It has got better as treatment went on, so I hope it will with your mum to.

    Cheers Sue xxx

  • Thanks Eileen,

    I wouldn't have got through with out you lovely ladies allowing me to come on here and vent or read that you were all feeling the same 

    Cheers Sue xx

  • Thanks Nadine, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter now  

    Cheers Sue xxx

  • Thanks Trace,

    lol I could probably change my name on here now , Thanks for the cuddle. Dont now about a super mum but I do try lol

    Cheers Sue  xxx

  • Thanks Kath,

    Nat told me to tell you Taxol was a breeze for her she was still tired but no bone pain or nausea or dizziness so she can drive the car again with confidence she can stop it  and actually make it around the shops with out feel faint and she hope it will be for you to,

    Yep Nats siblings have hard a time to but there is light at end of tunnel and we can all see it so it will get better and they understand that now.

    Caring for me mmmmm I buy wine that helps hahahaha I will when this is all over 

    Cheers Sue xxx