Natural Quackery
I had my first consultation with my medical oncologist. He has recommended 4 rounds of chemo before I start radiation and hormone treatments. Something I didn't want to hear! Then he mentioned the Prosigna test or Oncotype DX. A bit pricey, but if the results show I can avoid chemo then it is worth it, so we decided it was a good way to go and now I am waiting ... again .... for more results before any treatment starts.
I am trusting my GP, surgeon and specialists to guide me in the right direction. I am trusting the science.
My sister is spending all her spare time researching the web and Dr Google. She is instructing me to drink bi-carb soda with lemon juice to alter my ph levels ... rub magnesium oil into my breasts to prevent further cancers ...take mega strength probiotics to remove fungal infections which cause cancer ... cut out all carbs because cancer feeds on them. She is citing "doctors" websites and youtubes. She is scaring the beejesus out of me with horror chemo and radiation therapy stories from these same sites, along with the conspiracy theories that oncologists and drug companies are keeping these natural cures from us so they can make more money. She's my sister, she's trying to help and I love her for it, but I am dreading her phone calls. She is driving me insane!
Just as I was about to scream at the next person to offer me an alternative therapy, a dear friend turned up with an aloe vera plant for me. Wonderful, she said, for soothing the skin after radiation. Thoughtful and practical. I love her for it and welcome her calls. One of those magic moments when that old adage comes to the fore.
You can choose your friends ....
Warm hugs to everyone.