Boob Plaster Casts

Cosette Member Posts: 612
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi everyone! We have this cool group called Boob Plaster Casts.

Unfortunately, it hasn't seen any activity in a while. If you'd like to join this group and revive it, please do! It could be a great and inspiring resource.

(Image from The Keep a Breast Foundation)


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  • Peachandkiwi
    Peachandkiwi Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2016

    Im due to have mastectomy on monday 25th. This weekend im having a weekend away with my husband in Perth WA. Perhaps if i can get my hands on some plaster strips this is something we can do? Any suggestions for what i need or good places to get supplies in perth? 

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2016

    When I was a kid in school, we made face casts by slathering on Vaseline to protect the skin and then use strips that we dipped into some kind of watery glue mix. We layered the strips on the face, waited impatiently for them to dry, and carefully slipped them off. Voila! There are far more sophisticated methods, however ;-)

    You can find casting supplies at a good art or hobby shop (in Perth, check out Kirkside Products). If you're a DIY type, Google "how to make a plaster cast of your body" for lots of ideas including YouTube videos. Look at this one to see a method using Plaster of Paris bandages. It's pretty cool.

  • Peachandkiwi
    Peachandkiwi Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2016

    Didnt quite get to do it in time unfortunately but my husband was really lovely and heled me get some nice photos which im happy with.

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2016

    That's great - the photos part. How are you feeling today?

  • Peachandkiwi
    Peachandkiwi Member Posts: 10
    edited January 2016

    Although i wasnt sure how i would feel and anticipated the worst i am surprisingly fine. I had an expander put in so i havnt lost any form. I think relief that the cancer is out of my body is the thing that has made this surgery thing much easier. Thankyou.

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