Proposed changes to bulk-billing incentives

Eliisa Member Posts: 12
edited January 2016 in Community news and events

Dear online network

You may have seen some media recently about the Government's proposed changes to funding for bulk-billing of pathology and diagnostic imaging services, such as blood tests and mammograms.

BCNA is concerned about the impact that this may have as it could add to the mounting out-of-pocket costs we know women with breast cancer already face. 

If the Senate agrees to the changes, incentives that are paid to health providers to bulk-bill pathology and diagnostic imaging services will be cut. This means that those who have been previously bulk-billed may face paying gap fee by their service provider which will not be refundable by Medicare.

We have put a response from BCNA on our homepage (link here) and will continue to monitor the outcome of these changes with the view that Australians diagnosed with breast cancer have access to affordable treatment and care.

Please feel free to contact if you have any queries.



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited January 2016

    Wow. As a two time breast cancer survivor I have lost count of the endless pathology and diagnostic imaging tests I have had. This would have a huge financial impact on breast cancer patients, during and following treatment. Unbelievable. Will follow this story with great interest. 


  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited January 2016

    Thanks Eliisa for letting us know what BCNA are doing in relation to this issue. Although I am almost 4 years on from diagnosis our family is still feeling the very real and ongoing financial impact of this disease. Not only did we have huge out of pocket expenses during the treatment and reconstruction period but as I still see one of my cancer team every 3 months & usually have to have blood tests every 6 months plus scans, ultrasounds & mammograms every 12 months. In addition every time something suspicious happens I get sent off for a raft of extra tests & specialist appointments and it all just adds up. Hopefully BCNA can drive home just how difficult these extra costs make this ordeal even harder to go through. Best wishes, Jane