
missl73 Member Posts: 2
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi everyone I have my surgery on 2/11/15 for left mastectomy and immediate implant. It has been a bit of a roller coaster as at first they didn't know where it was. Finally confirmed then surgery delayed for 4 days. Im ok with all of that, although I never want another core biopsy again. 

The worst thing is my surgeon has told me that I can't go on a holiday that my whole family had planned to the Sunshine Coast. (Five weeks after surgery- one hour flight to Brisbane).All staying in a beautiful hose on the beach together. This was to be my little reward at the end of surgery. I promised that I would be doing nothing but relaxing. There is a hospital close.

Has anyone else flown without there being any problems. I really need this.



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  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited October 2015

    Hello,what a letdown for you.I could have easily flown ,  5 weeks after my mastectomy.Stitches were all out,so this is obviously because of the implant.I think though,we always need to be guided by our own doctors,when it comes to something as important as this.Can you push your holiday forward a bit? I hope you sort it out.Cheers Robyn xox

  • Janiot
    Janiot Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2015

    Hello-  I had left mastectomy ( nipple and skin sparing) and immediate reconstruction with implant on 14 August and went back to work after 4 weeks.??


  • LisaS
    LisaS Member Posts: 68
    edited October 2015

    Sunshine Coast? You can't miss that! Can you drive there? Hell. I'd roller skate. 

  • missl73
    missl73 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    Yeah I am happy to drive, done it many times.


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