nsw cancer council initiative

Hi all, I did put a post up a couple of days ago and did think i had posted to the advanced cancer group of ladies, but it actually went to the main page of bcna, not a bad thing, but one of the topics i wrote about was that every second tuesday of the month i am lucky enough to be hooked up via telephone to the NSW Cancer Councils initiative of a Telephone Support Group for women with Advanced Breast Cancer, thats a mouthful for sure, anyway, its a safe and comforting space to be for an hour and we have two facilitators who host the group and we get to chat about whatever, its all confidential, and you can chat or just listen, its especially great for us rural women, i live 2 and a half hours north of adelaide, and we have women in the group from all over australia,so if you think that it may be for you, please ring 1300755632 and get some details, its free and they will either ring on your home phone or mobile - its been going for a while now and I only found out through ringing the cancer council about another matter and they put me on to the group, so enough about that, i hope all is well or as well as can be in your world, its a beautiful day here, sun is shining and the birds are singing and the bees are buzzing, corny i know but it is, so where ever you are in australia, chin up and one foot in front of the other!!! its been 27 months since my diagnosis of abc with mets in my liver and bones, what a ride its been, back to the oncologist on october 12th, after having bloods done to see where my tumour markers are sitting, the cancer has been asleep for a while now hopefully its still in its coma!
wendy 55